My 9 month old won't breastfeed - UPDATE!

I wonder maybe taking it back to skin to skin cuddles without actually offering it to him iykwim? He might decide after a while that he'll pop for a drink between cuddles?
I know how you feel - I had to stop because cam couldn't tolerate my milk and I was devastated. cried for days :(

Totally uderstand how you must have felt , I have constantly been in tears to the point where I think my other half thinks I've lost the plot although he realises why I'm so upset and is supporting me. Must be awful that your lo couldn't tolerate your milk :-( At least you tried all you could although I know its still so easy to beat yourself up about it. All I keep getting from people is "well he is 9 months maybe he just doesn't want it anymore" - These tend to be the same people who didn't understand why I wanted to breastfeed in the first place! grrrrrrr!
Have you tried having a bath with him, maybe get him to try feeding in the bath. (dunno if im repeating advice here sorry) or dripping some milk down your nipple when your trying to get him on.

A couple of times with G I started her with the bottle, then kinda slid my nipple in its place iykwim.

Try not to stress out (I know that's a LOT easier said than done) but he'll pick
Up on that. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Sorry just seen your thread, any improvement today? It could be teething, Kynon was the opposite tho last time teeth appeared. Not sure if anyone mentioned this but they can also stop feeding if they have an ear infection as its sore to suck and swallow, any possibility of this?
Still not good at all :-( The best I've got is yesterday he latched on very briefly took one suck then pulled away and cried - battled to get away from me like he does all the time now :-( I suppose the only thing I can say is he is getting better everyday with a cup now and will take expressed milk as well as water. I'm going to keep trying to bf him and express to keep my milk supply going - I'm just so gutted I get no cuddles now or anything :-(

Hi Sarah - I took him to the doctors and they checked him over - definitely no ear infection but it still could be teething I suppose but its been a whole week now and I thought most bf strikes only last a few days at most?? x
Must be heart breaking for you when your not ready to give up. I've heard of natural weaning being sooner that expected though, but obviously he still needs milk. Glad there isn't any infection or anything tho. Kynon refuses to feed if he wants to stay awake and it fighting sleep, could he be associating milk with sleep? They are getting quite clever now and lots of things are more interesting than milk and sleep. Have you tried offering at other times of day?
Yes I've tried offering all through the day - He always pushes me away screams, you'd think I was trying to kill him :-( Maybe I am being selfish trying to feed him when he just doesn't want it anymore? Perhaps he is just one of few babies that naturally weans this early. I suppose in my mind I thought I would be feeding him until he was at least one and the thought never crossed my mind that he wouldn't want to :-(
Trying to look on the bright side and my periods have returned and I'm back to a 28 day cycle so all ready to try for no2 probably at the end of the year :) I suppose it must be heart breaking to have to make a decision to stop breastfeeding too so maybe if hes made the decision for me then its a little easier iykwim x
Yeah you can't say you had to decide, must be hard whenever we stop, its like another little milestone. Just remember how brilliant you have done to feed him this long and all the benefits he's had. I would continue to express until you can't and still offer when he's tired, he may change his mind you never know. Bonus side is your af is back, still waiting for mine and ttc so doubt it will happen yet :(
Is Kynon still feeding a lot? Your quite lucky af hasn't returned yet though - last month mine lasted 10 days so it made up for missing it so long! I'm sure its only round the corner for you and you will soon be ttc no3! :)
I really feel for you! Totally agree with what Sarah says about expressing as he needs some sort of milk

He only really feeds morning and night and sometimes at around 4pm. He def fed more when he was teething though
:cheer::cheer:He had a breastfeed this morning!!! :dance::dance::dance::) Its only taken 8 days!!! So pleased, not sure if this is the start of things getting better fingers crossed :) xxx
That's brilliant!:D Fx he's back to normal x
Only about 5 mins and he bit me a fair few times but I didn't react I was frightened that he might stop! lol x
:yay: that's brilliant. Hopefully that's his strike over!! Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Yay! Such good news for u! Hope he is guzzling away again now xxx
All is perfect in the mummy world again here :) xx

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