Most Horrible Weekend EVER!!!!!

bloody hell mrs, really dont no what i could say that hasnt been covered by the lovely ladies above, just u no u can come on here and rant whatever happens, dont b shy

i know all you lovely ladies are great!!! :)
Well i havent been able to talk to him as i just bottled it.. but he has been here all day and he is talking to me, but he has gone out to play snooker with his brother so hopefully he will have time to think about what he will lose!! i have tried to be as cheerful as possible today and act normal playing with brooke etc.. as he prob just wants a reaction from me and for me to be falling at his feet!! which isnt going to happen!!because if he doesnt want to be here, i dont understand why he is still here as he could easily go to his mums??? but ive come to realise that if he goes, then he goes im not going to fight for him, if he isnt willing to fight for his relationship and to keep his family together then im better off on my own with my brooke and baby bump!!

Your right about not falling at his feet and chasing after him, if he decides to leave then it's 100% his loss! He's a lucky guy having you, a beautiful daughter and a baby on the way! He would a silly to walk out on that. Really hope he see's sense soon though and realises how stupid he's being, keep strong :hugs:

i hope so to, but what will be will be... he will have some serious making up to do if he wants to stay!!!

i dont understand how his life with me is that bad..??? Im
i do everything he want me to, his daughter adores him, he goes out when ever he wants to within reason! He could do a damn lot worse!!! xx
Awww bless you hun, what a shit he is to put you through this now! Hope you're ok....I think there is something about pregnancy that makes women very strong......all the best hun, whatever happens xxx
Well i havent been able to talk to him as i just bottled it.. but he has been here all day and he is talking to me, but he has gone out to play snooker with his brother so hopefully he will have time to think about what he will lose!! i have tried to be as cheerful as possible today and act normal playing with brooke etc.. as he prob just wants a reaction from me and for me to be falling at his feet!! which isnt going to happen!!because if he doesnt want to be here, i dont understand why he is still here as he could easily go to his mums??? but ive come to realise that if he goes, then he goes im not going to fight for him, if he isnt willing to fight for his relationship and to keep his family together then im better off on my own with my brooke and baby bump!!

Your right about not falling at his feet and chasing after him, if he decides to leave then it's 100% his loss! He's a lucky guy having you, a beautiful daughter and a baby on the way! He would a silly to walk out on that. Really hope he see's sense soon though and realises how stupid he's being, keep strong :hugs:

i hope so to, but what will be will be... he will have some serious making up to do if he wants to stay!!!

i dont understand how his life with me is that bad..??? Im
i do everything he want me to, his daughter adores him, he goes out when ever he wants to within reason! He could do a damn lot worse!!! xx

And it will only take time away from you to realise this!!! You know why? Because men are very very stupid for the most part! He'll wake up hun and I hope for his sake it's sooner rather than later when you've realised you're doing fantastically without him!! Xxxx
Awww bless you hun, what a shit he is to put you through this now! Hope you're ok....I think there is something about pregnancy that makes women very strong......all the best hun, whatever happens xxx

I hear that babe!!!
Well he is still here....

He has been sleeping on the sofa for the past 2 nights. (Hope he is really uncomorftable hehe) while im starfishing it in the lovely kingsize bed!! :)

He has gone off to the gym this morning....

i am now thinking he has gone gym,..... but is he really at the gym??

all you ladies that had bad experiences with your OH's cheating and there is me who totally trusted him 100%, has got me thinking.. i know i shouldnt as he is probably not!! (well so i, there i go again)

but you just never know i suppose!!

Well considering the situation im quite happy at the min, that might change if i hear the word 'Im leaving' ..

but if he does, then he does, taking the children aside, i want someone to be with ME because they want to, not because they feel they have to!!

Agreeing with the girls on this one, if he doesn't know what he wants now hun he never will, get rid and make a life for yourself and your little one x
you're doing well to put up with waiting around whilst he decides what he wants, i couldnt do it!

how long are you going to give it? x
i know that i should of said something by now..:wall2: but i havent..

he is still talking to me but been really quiet! and i dont want to bring it up during the day incase it turns into a row and brooke is around so dont want her to here us shouting or see me crying!!

He is on the sofa so if he stays on there again tonight and doesnt say anything to me i will have to bring it up tomorrow!!
Hey hun, sorry you're going through this. Just wanted to give a little similar but different ending story to some of the others - my friend J had two kids with her bloke, got married, 3 years on he left her saying it wasn't what he expected blah blah, he was away a few weeks then came back saying he'd missed them all, loved them and definitely wanted to be with them and they're still together now a couple of years on, happy etc. He wasn't cheating when he left her (we know this because he stayed with another guy who is friends with my hubby), it was just some kind of wobble. Now, I still think this makes him a bit of a douche as she was devastated and left with everything to cope with on her own, but it all came good in the end - so it's not always necessarily 'the end' when something like this happens. Hope you manage to sort it with him though either way - it must be horrific just tiptoeing around him and not knowing x
Well he said the other day that he just feels like he needs a break.. to see if he miss's me! i was really pissed off at this point (i hate breaks as still feel that the problem is still going to be there when he gets back, so just face up to it).. so i think that is why he has taken to the sofa at night.. he is 25 and all his friends are single and go out most weekends and i feel that he thinks he is missing out!! but to me i bet his friend would rather be in his situation with his own home, and having a little family that loves him!! but they dont always see it this way, do they?

but considering im doing alright.. im just carrying on like normal and showing him that he needs me more than i need him!! in my heart i dont think he has cheated... but you just never know!

i understand we all get scared at times but im just soo angry with him for putting me through this with the reasons he has given me!

I would look into this hun...not everyone would agree but if i was in the situation i would check his phone when he is not expecting it and try everything to find out thing...facebook page? He maybe totally innocent but it may be worth it, either to put your mind at rest or to find out the truth. When i was 15 my ex who was 18 said all the same things to me too...apart from he was a horrible person anyways, he was seeing his ex and that was why he never knew what he wanted, i actually waited and then got the call off the lass herself saying he doesn't want me, grrr won't go right into that as he makes my skin crawl! Please don't just let him make all the decisions as then he is in control. I really feel for you it is a horrible situation to be in not knowing, you need to know ASAP. Plus your pregnant and this stress aint helping no one xxx
Well i was lying in bed and thought i have to text him so i did...

i wont go into everything as im sure your all fed up of reading about him

but basically i asked him if there was something he wasnt telling me as to the reason he was giving me these pathetic excuses of why he doesnt no what he want.. he said no..

so along the lines ive said that if he doesnt want to be with me then he needs to leave, he said he has no where to go, and i said thats not my problem...
he said that his head is all over the place right now he is just unhappy! so ive turned round and said that i just want him to be happy and if thats not with me then il have to deal with it, but ihave got to think of me,brooke and the baby and me keep being upset and stressed is not good! so either get a grip and sort your head out or go and leave me to get on with my life!!

i havent had a reply!!

its hard as i dont want him to be unhappy but at the same time he cant treat me like a dickhead!

but im not stupid i know where this is going and i think if he had somewhere to go then he would of been gone already!!!

his dad died last year and it will be his anniversary next week, so i dont think this is helping on top of everything, but still no need to treat me this way!

if anybody is wondering what reasons he gave me here they are... to me they are pathetic reasons to end a relastionship but to some they might be reasonable!!

* i didnt ring the council to tell them about the change in circumstances - (i just honestly forgot, plus he could of done it to)

* i never go out for a walk and then complain that im bored (seriously, that doesnt even effect him)

*he says that he has never seen me completely naked apart from when we have sex (i just have confident issues, and i dont feel comfortable standing there butt naked in front of him just to please him)

* i wont have sex in the day (this isnt always true.. plus ive tried to explain to him that sometimes i so caught up in my mummy mode (as i call it) that its hard to switch off and get in the mood for it)

* i wont cuddle him in bed ( this one i feel is the only one that i feel bad for, as this past week all i want is for him to hug me and knowing that he dont want to really hurts - but basically this isnt all the time, when im hot or really tired he tries to just cuddle me and its like i have a seatbelt on and i just get really irratated.. but like i said i know no how it feels so i do feel bad)

Sorry for going on ladies...

Bloody hell Hun if those are the only excuses he can come up with them he's grasping at straws. You still sound so much like u are thinking of him, saying "I don't want him to be unhappy" do you think he gives u the same consideration?
I'm not really sure what else to say, hope he gives you some sensible answers soon or at least stops with the pathetic excuses! Xxx
i dont want him to be unhappy! but i dont want to be unhappy either... and ive got to come 1st...

i know the reasons are rediculous arnt they!! im not even upset which im shocked about!!
No I understand that you don't want him to be unhappy Hun cos u care :hug: but do u think he cares if you are unhappy?
I am really sorry to say this and I hope I don't upset you and tell me if I'm out of line for saying so, but, it sounds like he's looking for a way out, just too much of a coward to get the words out. I really hope I'm wrong, and that it's just a glitch but those excuses for his unhappiness were utter balls!! Xxx
If those are his only reasons it sounds like he's got no reason to be unhappy! There are sooo many things like that that I could list about my OH that drive me insane but I still love him to bits - maybe he does need to go to realise exactly what he's risking losing and just how perfect a little family he has?! :hug:
They aint even proper excuses! If only you could read their minds eh. I don't know what to advise you hun :( hope it gets sorted out xxx

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