Stressed Out!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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I dont know whats the matter with me today but im sooo F'ing stressed...

i think its my OH.. ive been out all day and he has just sat on his butt and watched football apart from wash up about 3 cups and a 2 plates.. i think he is on his 3rd game today! he moans at me constantly about being on the laptop or in the bath or the house isnt spotless (its never a mess but we have a 4year old daughter who likes to pull every toy out) all the time, but i have nothing else to do as he is soo intrested in whats on the t.v.. he even poped to the neighbours to have a cup of tea with them and i didnt even know where he went!! (I want a cup of tea)

ive told him that the only reason im on the laptop or in the bath is because im bored, but he wont take me out or do anything to try and keep me occupied!!

he has been winding me up all day and i know he is joking, but i seriously want to punch him even though im laughing with him.. he is just getting to me.. argh!!
i cant seem to win!

and i know that because he is in that annoying mood... tonight isnt going to get any better!!

Any one else's OH doing there heads in?

sorry rant over!
Everyone is stressed today eh lol. Mine is driving me INSANE!!! I am sick of him picking at little things. Seriously last night he was on the PC online and for about half an hour all that came out of his mouth was a twine about the PC. I eventually said "you know what i am sick of you i am going to bed" and off i went. I was going to explode!!! I want to do more than punch him...wish i could sew his mouth shut!!! x
My Oh took a half day last week so that I could rest and go t bed if I wanted, which was lovely as we have two small children so I don't get chance to rest this pregnacy. BUT....... off I went to bed having not done the washing up or tidying I do every afternoon, and my OH sat on his butt with our eldest (2 and a half) and did nothing. The next day when he came home I was in tears as I'd had twice as many jobs to do he couldn't understand the problem as he'd taken a half day for me, I explained I needed him to help in the house that afternoon too and he told me he'd been too tired!!!! I near ensured we never had any children again there and then! He's been better since though.

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