Well I went for bed at midnight.. am now awake again because was in too much pain to sleep.. Not sure if its contractions, or just general.. pain, either way cant sleep through it.
Also got up after feeling fluid running outta me (while layin down, before it was when standin up after it had pooled) sp im sorry midwife, i now do not believe you about it being discharge. its a leak. shush, you said yourself you saw it trickle, and i think you said it was discharge just so i wouldnt worry.
Anyway, have the midwife at 8:40 (Screw getting the bus at 8am!) for a sweep.. hoping it will set things off.. but have to say I dont much fancy the idea of being sat on the buss for an hour back having contractions lol! They might not hurt but damn people would notice.
And have just found out.. it is contractions keeping me up.. cause im getting one typing this.. somehow less painfull now that im awake and sitting up.. Hmmm was writhing in pain and whimpering a lil while ago in my half asleep state LOL
Anyway will let you all know how it goes.. im so tired though.. half tempted to call the midwife and go "Nu Uh, Aint goin into town, Screwwwww YOU!" cause everything hurts when im walking