PinkPunch said:
I have seen a man who was a druid and a witch, change the weather. I have heard a Doe talk to me. I have had psychic experiences all my life - including 2 psychic dreams that saved my life. As a witch I have performed spells for people that have worked beyond all doubt. (I believe that praying is the same as a spell but thats another topic lol.) I have seen 2 ghosts - my grandad and my cat - and I once met an angel.
Your not loopy and I don't doubt that those things happened to you. But to me, that only proves that there IS a satan and I believe thats were the power comes from.
Infact, I know (well, know of her) a lady who walked with Satan through flames, she held his hand and was not burnt at all. She eventually became a Christian but what Im saying is that we are actually in agreement. Although your saying "you've had experiences and i've had mine" which is true but the sources differ.
I know the topics moved on slightly since, but I had to pick up this point before catching up with the rest
Are you saying that the experiences ive had come from satan? If so...its an argument ive had with many many christians, many many times, and the only response I can give is that I am not a christian, therefore I do not believe in satan. He doesnt exist so he has no power here. I know the argument, ive heard it so many times..."but he does exist and has fooled you into thinking that".
Heres another example of mis-translation. The passage "shall not suffer a witch to live" was originally translated as "shall not suffer a sorceror to live". It was changed around the time of the witch trials when as you know, many many innocent women lost their lives simply for being midwives, having knowledge of herbal remedies, or being beautiful. Among other heinous crimes. The term sorceror, at the time of the original translation, was used to describe a man or woman who used deception and trickery for their own greedy needs. Such as a conman or blackwidow.
The tale of satan has also been misconstrued, and the image of a half goat half man figure carrying a pitchfork with horns, is actually based on the pagan God Pan.....who existed for ages before christianity thought up the devil. Pan was the God of music, and enchantment, and the basis for the pied piper story. He was erotic and sought pleasure among human women, but he was not evil, he was simply one of many gods. Infact the story of Pan being obsessed with earth women came before the story of Balthazar (satan) the fallen angel, who was cast from Gods side for loving humans.
In fact almost every story in the bible, new and old, has roots in pagan mythology, and its nothing short of plagiarism.