Missed Miscarriage


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2010
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I am new to this forum, so i thought i would ask if anyone has any thoughts on the above or experiences.

I went for my 12 week scan last wednesday to find our baby had not developed after 8 weeks, we are so upset, i have been to hospital and had to go through " medical management" to have the pregnacy stopped. What an awfull thing to happen....we were planning for things ahead etc.

we are so keen to try again, has anyone else been through this, i can't find the answers, although we were told there is no reason why, but that it does happen for a reason.... sad times....
:hug: I have no personal experience of this but many girls on the forum have so I'm sure someone will be able to offer you some better advice soon. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss :hug:
:hug:Hi Ndobbins, welcome to the forum, I'm so sorry this has happened =- sending you a big hug today X

I don't want to overload you so soon after this but as you have asked - I will share my story.

I had a Missed MC in March this year at 11 weeks , had to wait a week for a D&C at 11 weeks plus 5 days and ended up starting to miscarry naturally in the middle of the night before i was due to go in for my op. I beld too much and ended up in A&E in a bit of a mess and had two blood transfusions and then the D&C.

I like you wanted to try again , I started trying again straightaway but after 26 days from the day of D&C my first AF arrived. We then tried again and fell pregnant and will be 7 weeks tomorow, so it really will happen again for you.

I kept blaming myself and looking for the definative reason or cause, and I felt better when I stopped doing that. It won;t be the same for everybody, but as soon as I switched into TTC mode again, I also felt more positve like I was doing something about what happened.

Just take a day at a time, you may have good days and bad days, but please keep coming on here as there is a wealth of support on here for you and the girls are really lovely X
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Thank u.... every story is so different. My partner and i were walking round the hospital at 1 AM sat morning, " to get things moving" we felt like we were in a bubble. We have realised just how complex those early weeks are.

Thank u for sharing your story with me and i'll keep thinking positive.... 7 weeks...yay :) xx
My story is similar, I started to bleed at 7 weeks in Feb and scan confirmed baby had stopped growing at 5 weeks! My situation dragged on for 3 weeks as they couldn't rule out ectopic because of HCG levels, I had a d&c in the end and they went down straight away. I waited for 1 cycle and am now pregnant again, worrying like hell but hoping this little cannellini bean sticks! Best of luck with everything, it does get easier:)
I neither have had a personal experience but just wanted to send you a :hug:, and like JJ says, it will happen xx
Hi NDobins,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I had a missed miscarriage 3 weeks ago and it was the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me. To get all excited about the scan and start telling people etc, only to be told your baby has stopped growing is just awful.
I was due to go back for a scan a week afterwards because apparently the embryo was still too small to detect a heartbeat, but I knew my dates were DEFINITELY right, so I knew the baby had just stopped growing. I started to miscarry naturally about 2 days afterwards. Maybe all the heartbreak brought it on? Who knows. But if you ever need someone to talk to about it just PM me, I'll be happy to chat with you.

I stopped bleeding about a week ago and am now waiting for my first period so that we can start trying again xx

My thoughts are with you at this sad time, my story goes like this:

I went for a private scan at 7 1/2 weeks as having had an etopic pregnancy previously i want to check that everything was ok. Whilst there we saw our little baby and could clearly see the heartbeating and even herd it and saw little baby move. Next we went for our 12 week scan and were told the baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks. You can imagin our shock.

We then a couple of days later started the medical management treatment. During this time i saw the baby when i passed it and had to have an injection to stop the bleeding as i was passing very large clots. Eventually i was let home. From there i bled for about a week and half and suddenly started bleeding very heavy (pad every 10-15minutes).

I was rushed into hospital after fainting. I came round in the recovery room where they told me not all the pregnancy tissue had come away and i had an infection. I was taken down to theatre where they performed an emergency ERPC (D&C) and give me two blood transfussions.

Needless to say the whole thing terrifed me, however in a possitive light me and my husband have come to terms with it and after waiting for one period we have decided to try again and i shall find out in a couple of weeks if we were sucessful or not.

Obviously i am terrifed it will happen again but this time i know what to look out for and i have faith it will be ok this time.

Sorry i've gone on a bit but i just wanted to let you know that in time you will feel ready again and all that you feel is normal. Please feel free to pm me anytime xxxxx

Thanks for sharing your story also....
I think we need closure also as i didn't pass the baby as you did. They said sometimes that doesn't happen, my scan showed some pregnancy tissue left 3 days ago, and my scan is booked for 6th June so hopefully it will be clear. I was told the smaller they are the less chance of them coming away as yours did. I have bled alot and the doctor said this will clear all the tissue. Crossed fingers.

I feel drained now...but looking forward already to trying again, not sure if we can do much diiferent this time, as i didn't drink etc, so will always give it every chance. May take preg suppliments??

I've no experience of this but wanted to send you some hugs. So sorry for your loss :hug: xx
My story found out preg on christmas eve 08 told the world about it as we were so happy..

At 11 weeks i has spotting and some pains told to rest as i was only spotting.
arrange a scan for the following day as i didnt feel right.

Went for scan no heartbeat baby had only devoloped to 9 weeks,my body only started to reject it at 11weeks...

Following day D&C.... at 10am home at 6pm cry for hours.
Couldnt face ttc for 3 months

Only through time have i stop blaming myself...

I would tell anyone whos had a miscarriage to ttc asap afterwards
As 15 months on im still ttc.. now with the help of clomid
Having never had a miscarriage I cannot help, didnt want to read and runn :hug: hugs xxxxxxxxxx
That's good that they are going to scan you to check. I never got that and had i, it could have picked up the infection quicker. I dont think there is anything we can do? I was taking suppliments and not drink etc and it still happened. All the hospital could say was that it was bad luck.

It's really good that you feel positive in trying again already, it takes some people much longer to come to terms with this. I think having a positive attitude will help you both get through this xxx
So sorry to hear what has happened.

I had a similar experience. I went along to my 12 week scan all excited only to be told that the baby didnt have a heartbeat and had stopped growing at 6 weeks. I'd still had symptoms like morning sickness all through the 'pregnancy' so it was a terrible shock. I had a D&C procedure a week later as there was no sign of a natural miscarriage happening.

It is so hard to get through.

That happened in march and we are trying again now. trying again has given me something to focus on rather than loss.

If you'd like to chat you can PM, otherwise keep posting here and let it all out. Everyone is lovely and there are a huge range of experiences.

Hugs. x
Lillie, I totally understand what you mean about trying again giving you something to focus on. When it first happened to me I didn't think I would ever want to try again, for fear of having all this pain again, but literally within about 2 days of it happening, I was thinking about trying again. Of course I'll never forget my little bean who couldn't hold on, but it definitely gives you something positive to focus on.

Ndobins, there is nothing you can do differently that will change anything. Miscarriage is unfortunately one of those things that usually can't be helped - nature at it's cruelest as some people say. It's nothing to do with anything you've done 'wrong'. Just incredibly unfortunate and unlucky :( *hugs*
Here's to happy and healthy pregnancies in future xx

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