Mila Elizabeth Azure Stoll - 23/11/10


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Mila arrived Tuesday the 23rd of November at 703pm
She weighs 3.8 kilos.

I went into early labour Monday afternoon with a slight loss of my water. Got to the hospital and because i was a high risk pregnancy they decided to keep me in. They let us leave to go and eat after admitting me... and when I came back my contractions were getting a bit stronger... so we played the waiting game.

I decided to go with an epidural :) and then they started me on oxytocin to help me along. When i had an internal examination i had dilated 5cm.. They broke my waters (wow - what a gush! I have never experienced anything like that before) and then they left me with my husband and mom in the room. When they came back 5 hours after i had not progressed and I was still only 5cm dilated -:wall2: the baby had also passed MEC while trying to deliver and her her head was lodged trying to push her way out - it was then after 26 hours of labour that it was decided that she would be delivered via C section ,which was planned anyways, but due to the fact that I went into natural labour thought I would give it a go.

I just got home from the hospital and I am totally head over heels in live with my baby girl.

Will post pics and more, but gotta run as the baby is crying :dance:
Congrats!!! Can't wait for the pics x
sounds like you had a bit of a hard time after 26 hours of labour but at least she's here safe and sound now which is the main thing :) you must be so pleased! x
Huge congratulations to you both, great news and lovely name - enjoy her X
Congratulations! Brilliant news, beautiful name and of course (I'm biased) but best birthday! Xxx
Congratulations hunni x

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Thank you for all the encouragement and understanding when i needed it :) I truly appreciate it!


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