Louisa Grace born 18th sept @ 6.31am


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Aug 19, 2008
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Just thought i would let you all know that i gave birth to beautiful Louisa Grace on Thursday morning at 6.31am.
As i mentioned in a post on Wednesday i started having contractions around 7.30am that morning at 40+5 weeks after a hour long session of reflexology.
Went to hospital about 9am - was 1cm dilated, so they sent me home and the pain was totally unbearable by 5pm so we went back in and i was 4cm dilated. Was started on gas and air, but it made me really really sick and 4 hours later at 9pm when they did another internal exam i was still only 4-5cm dilated......coudnt believe this as was in soooooo much pain with contractions. Anyway they wanted to put me on the ward and send OH away - this really distressed me, so they gave me a side room and a shot of pethadine and OH was allowed to stay. It really knocked me out, and i was still in sooooo much pain contractions were coming every minute and a half and were really strong and again i was sick. OH got a midwife to examine me again as they literally just left me there and i was finally 8cm dilated, so they sent me back to delivery and gave me another shot of pethadine and i started getting the urge to push shortly after, so they broke my waters.
Cant really remember much between then and when she was born, but i finally gave birth to her and she was beautiful.
Back home yesterday and have settled into family life well.
Well done would love to see some photos of her :D
Congratulations.....welcome to the world Louisa Grace (beautiful name by the way) :hug: :hug:

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