Me and hubby have decided to get a puppy


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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We only want a small puppy though and what sort of breed to get with\children?
Sorry just realised what i wrote! I want a small breed of dog, no higher then knee level
a westie!

pick me pick me!
aww cute!

Are they snappy at all?

I know its all up to how the owner is but there are dogs that are more snappy then othes.
I want a little dog too, one that's small but big enough to have a proper bark rather than a yap.

I was looking at spaniels, they're cute and little.
We had a miniture schnauzer when I was young - it was a great dog, never got annoyed when we use to pull it's ear and tail or when we use to dress it up :oops:
No definitlely not!

There mental and need loads of excercise.

I want something small that ont need loads of walking, but i have a massive yard so it needs to be a littlke dog cos then it will be knackered after walking round it! :shock:
I've heard terriers are very yappy dogs (actually, I know this, I had one). So my advice is: don't get a terrier.
gah! are you sure you want to be training a puppy.. and having a 1 month old? thats gotta be like having triplets?!
Whatever dog you get you do still have to walk them alot. No matter the size of your garden. They get bored with the same surroundings and that can lead to bad behaviour.

My advice, wait till Imogen is a little older then go for it. The kids can help with the walking then, will teach them a great life lesson, with the responsibility of feeding and walking a dog. I know it did me when I was a child.
We had a cocker spaniel, gorgeous dog, and didn't mind being dressed up bless him.
Its going to be ages, maybe 6 months before i can afford one as were putting money in a tin!

So might be 6 months till a year, were guna fill that tin first!
We have a Cesky Terrier - had him since he was 11 weeks old and he was 3 years old in April. We went to Discover Dogs show about 4 years ago - I was convinced I wanted a Beagle, but then we came across the Cesky and it was love at first sight :D

Don't forget - all dogs look adorable as puppies, but you need to find out what they are going to be like to live with long term!

Even though he is a terrier by name, he is not terrier by nature - nor are any Ceskys. They are a fairly rare breed, with only about 400 in the UK, so you would probably have to wait a few months for a puppy as there only a few breeders.

Advantages for us:
- small dog with big personality
- doesn't moult
- very easy to train (they are VERY food orienatated, which makes training very easy!)
- very intelligent
- happy with 1/2 hour walk once a day, although would walk all day if you wanted to!
- very friendly with people and dogs (although this probably has something to do with the way we have brought him up)
- only barks when he wants to play / you mention the WALK or DINNER word
- very snuggly and warms you up when sitting on the sofa :D

There's more info and photos here:

I rave about our Cesky to everyone - he's an absolute star and fantastic with children. I guess he's about the size of a Scottie, so big enough to be a 'proper' dog :D Not yappy at all (none of the Ceskys I have ever met have been).

Here are a few pics of our little man (they are all born jet black but will change to varying degrees of charcoal in their first couple of years)

11 weeks old (first day home)

Fast asleep on hubby's legs:


mrs_tommo22 said:
We only want a small puppy though and what sort of breed to get with\children?
Sorry just realised what i wrote! I want a small breed of dog, no higher then knee level

im sorry but why in Gods name do you wnat a puppy with such a young baby and toddler to care for? They need as much time as a baby does if not more when they are puppies no matter what breed. They still need walking etc.
My friend has just got a puppy recently and she has a 2 year old child. The puppy is out of control coz she has no time to train it etc.
all dogs need lots of exercise Rain or shine :D They need to be taken walks for their well being. Keeping a god in a yard no matter what size will result in a bored unhappy dog.

I know you have probably thought this one out etc. But to me it sounds a bit of a whim on your part.

Don't take this post the wrong way. Its just that my friend works in kennels with abandoned dogs and cats . Most coming from families who bought them thinking it was a good ides then reality hit home when they found out how much work goes into them.

Why don't you wait till baby is 5 and at school and you have all day to train and give attention to your puppy.
Also why not try going to a dgo shelter to rehome a dog. There are loads that need loving new homes. :)
i think i agree budge. dogs are hard work.

ive got a collie, and she is very demanding.

Id reccomend a cavalier King charles. had one when i was a kid. such lovely dogs, so gentle. and brilliant with kids.

good luck
i had a puppy when millie was 1 and that was very hard work. when i lived at home we had a westie and had no problems whatsoever but then again we had no small kids to look after as well.

One thing about westies though, they are prone to skin problems, my grandma also has a westie and they are forever at the vet due to skin/nose/diet/heart problems which has cost them a fortune.

But then again you may be lucky and have no problems at all. Whatever breed you choose, i wish you luck, you'll need it! :hug:
I agree about terriers being yappy, they also get really excited and jump around a lot. Might scare a young child. I know cos I grew up with terriers.

I agree that it might be better to wait a couple years before getting a puppy as they are so much hard work, almost like having another baby.
Another option might be to get a rescue dog thats a bit older, already trained, and is good with children, would save you the hassle of training and cleaning up puppy wee and poo.

Cats are my ideal pets cos they look after themselves to a large extent. I'm far too lazy to get a dog :lol:
I know 2 people with King Charles Spaniels they are so cute


I do agree OH is soooo desperate for a boxer, I've veto'd it til the new baby is born and a bit older, I'll be the one stuck at home with kids and a puppy.

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