Is it a bad idea to get a puppy with a baby?

I already had a dog when seren was born but he was really old and it was like having a puppy at times. I really hated all the cleaning up, he became incontinent and would wee on the carpet and I just felt like all I was doing was scrubbing the carpet in case Seren went near it. I also felt as though I coul;dn't give him all my attention he deserved. He was great round her but a newborn and a high maintenance pet is tough.

I personally would wait, until Leif (what an ace name by the way) is older, then he can join in looking after the puppy. Seren is now nearly 2 and loves feeding the rabbit (we have to watch her as if we give her apple or carrot for a snack she will go and share it with Jasper) and is really good around the cats. I agree growing up with pets is great but why make more work for yourself, wait a few more months.

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