
Ive had dogs and I perosnally think Alsations/german sheps are great with kids -I grew up with them and loved them.But I love Labs too.

But with 4 cats ( :shock: ) I have enough going on here :D
We have a West Highland Terrier, he's fab, sooo funny and loving - brilliant with children too. Easy to train - they are known as big dogs in small bodies.

They don't need too much exercise - mine likes an hour a day split up into 2 or 3 chunks, also lots of play and training. But they are also quite happy to lay by the fire and sleep all day :D

I could never have a different breed, I absolutely love Westies and I'm so attached to Charlie he's like a member of the family.

Before you get a dog please, please do your research and don't buy one of these designer cross breeds! Theres are plenty of cross breeds in rescues.
Buy from a reputable breeder who is willing to ask and answer lots of questions, doesn't have more than 2 or 3 different breeds and is willing to give lots of after sales advice etc. Make sure the dogs have had health checks too!
There are so many puppy farmers out there at the moment that just breed dogs to make money, and the poor dogs health suffers as a result of poor breeding.

As you can tell I love dogs and could talk about them for hours :oops: So PM me if you want to ask anything.

My mum bought her first dog 7 months ago and she looked into everything and anything before she made the choice.

In the end she chose a chocolate lab, called archie. He is beautiful but has he is still a pup he takes alot of looking after and lots of walks. But a very loyal and trusting dog, stays by her side no matter what she does.
my mums got 2 white boxers

the bitch is 5 years old and the male is 21 months old

my mum has a cavalier king charles and she is loverly we got her a yr before i had Bray and she was everyones baby till the baby came lol she is absolutly brilliant with bray tho, he can pull at her and everything but she never does nething to him
would deffo recommend getting one
I dont like boxers at all - they can be quite stupid, think I got sickened by them in Australia when i had to look after show dogs as part of my duties (I was a private nurse) and they were really stuck up and concieted.

I have a staffordshire bull terrier - she is really sweet and gentle and wouldn't hurt a fly but its funny because she is snow white and people mistake her for a pitbull :rotfl: a child in the park the other day decided to mount her like a horse and she didnt bat an eyelid - I just removed him and handed him to his dad who hadnt even noticed :roll:

Id love a great dane
we've got a 10 month old Border Collie had her since 8 weeks. This breed does chew a bit though and need a lot of exercise

I have a staffie, had him about a year and bit before Aaron was born. He's a complete baby and brill with Aaron. I love Boxers though, my sister has one and he is gorgeous! Would defo have a boxer.
I think the breed depends on how much time you have. I have a lab and they need alot of exercise, they are really active and playful and can gain weight easily if not walked alot. Labs are really docile but they just need restrictions on whats "playful" and whats not, like any dog I suppose lol. Also, they are one of the most intelligent dogs which makes them easy to train and have fun with :D I dont like "pretty" dogs that just sit on your knee :lol: thats what cats are for!!

I want my pup to be over a year when we have a kid so that hes well trained. He absolutely loves kids and strangley enough, he doesn't jump up on them like he does with adults, he just likes to chase them and be chased!

Heres my pup at 9 weeks and 7 months. Hes 9 months now but don't have an up to date pic.


thanks for all your suggestions its given us a lot to think about and id like to reasure you that we will not be rushing into anything :D
sam96031 said:
yeah iv just ordered a book on 200 different breeds of dogs and their personalities like if they are good with children etc as obviously it will be a family dog, iv ruled some out like alsations as i dont like them and springers as they are too hyper, my mum has one and all she ever does is complain how hyper she is lol
I got a springer and mine is the laziest dog in the world, they are lovely natured dogs and good with children
By a fish.... they don't cost as much and when they die, you can buy another one and pretend it was the original :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: No really I've never done that... :wink:
Squiglet said:
By a fish.... they don't cost as much and when they die, you can buy another one and pretend it was the original :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: No really I've never done that... :wink:
:rotfl: :rotfl: weve got a fish already
We have a standard schnauzer mainly because I am slightly allergic to fur and schnauzers have hair which cuts down allergens loads. The need a fair bit of walking, although mine is kinda lazy :roll: Also they have to have their hair cut about every 3 months, it costs around £30 so isn't to bad. Apparently schnauzers are described as the dogs with the human brains and they do have very unique personalities lol and they come in small, medium and large. I'm not sure I could have another breed now, they are awesome :D


lovely pictures of your doggies they are all really cute if anyone else wants to post pics of their dogs feel free to
I don't have him no more but I miss him soooo much. This is Samson

I dont actually have one in my house. But i still count myself as having one as ive never been without a dog my whole life. At my mums we have a King Charles Spaniel. Beautiful dog, absolutly lovely natured and well behaved. Before her we had an Alsation. She was also lovely natured and we had her sinse i was 1-2 yrs old till i was 12. I was heart broken when she died. And even 12 years later i still could shed a tear for her.

Id love Hannah (and the next) to be raised with pets (especially dogs) like i have been. But right now we have enough on our plane, and we just dont have the space. (i dont have a garden either)
But where hoping to move into bigger house in the next 1-2 years with a garden. Ill deffinatly be getting round to getting a puppy then!

Right now i like the idea of having an alsations, boxer, collie or a lab. But need to look into alot more before i decided.


This is Charlie :)
We have a border collie cross and she is so good with the kids, she was given to us. i was going to get a boxer but thought it would be too boystroius (sp) with the kids
this is my dog, hes called murphy and is 6years old! he is a pedegree and has hed several probelms (due to this) but he is huge and cuddly and has no brain what so ever! hehe bless him! wouldnt change him for the world

HUGE pic
bless i love big cuddly dogs but i think for us it would be more sensible to have a smaller dog :)

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