maybe a stupid question

Can i just add, I think every woman planning a birth soon should read 'Ina May's Guide to ChildBirth'

Ina May is a midwife in America where if you dont know they have a caesarian section rate of over 40%

She works in one of the few natural and free birthing centers in America called The Farm and they have a caesarian rate of less than 2%. They also have an intervention rate of less than 5% (its something like over 60% in the rest of the states)

She is a magnificent woman and can explain alot about the current trend for medical intervention in childbirth, where it has sprang from (usually a doctor checking his watch) and how we can help ourselves to have proactive, comfortable labours.

I highly reccomend it.
thanks! I just ordered this off amazon yesterday along with my hypnobirthing book & cd :)
I would have taken my own food in too Toon... I had the biggest Dominos pizza ever while I was in labour with Sam :lol: (I was still at home then)
oooh good call!!! Im gonna order a bbq chicken pizza when Im in labour!!! delivery to labour ward of hospital please :rofl:
You'll love it Tiny, has loads of beautiful stories in it and also some really good tips to get us 'open' during labour, things like keeping a low tone to your moans which relaxes the body instead of high pitched noises which tighten everything up :)

Lots about cord pulsing too and moving around in labour :) its very positive :)
My DH went out and got me a kebab when i was in labour! how gross is that lol but its all I wanted!! My midwife told me to take loads of snacks in my hospital bag as they tell you to nibble during labour to keep your strength up! Dont think they planned on me having a feast though!! xxx
was speaking to the mw and apparently the hospital used to have the 'no eating' policy back in the day but she says now a days its not a problem. hurrah. not that it was a major problem anyway i was more tryin to find out if i was gettin wound up by them :) i take the bait quite easily
yep my OH keeps telling me Ill have to have an enema and a shave when I go into hsopital. I know its not true but I cant work out if he's trying to wind me up or if he genuinely believes its 1960??!
tell him that nowadays they are saying the men should have the enema and the shave for infection purposes, its incase they have to join you in the C-section room and wont have time to prep the men and the woman so they prep the man initially and the woman if surgery is neccessary ;)

That should change his tune a bit :) :)
Can i just add, I think every woman planning a birth soon should read 'Ina May's Guide to ChildBirth'

Ina May is a midwife in America where if you dont know they have a caesarian section rate of over 40%

She works in one of the few natural and free birthing centers in America called The Farm and they have a caesarian rate of less than 2%. They also have an intervention rate of less than 5% (its something like over 60% in the rest of the states)

She is a magnificent woman and can explain alot about the current trend for medical intervention in childbirth, where it has sprang from (usually a doctor checking his watch) and how we can help ourselves to have proactive, comfortable labours.

I highly reccomend it.

I love this book, its the best read I have seen on childbirth. I am about to read it for the second time - she supports eating during labour too I seem to remember!
Of course :) If you go into labour and things arent progressing, her first reccomendation is a good meal and a lie down/doze :) get your strength up for the next bit rather than timing everything, introducing drugs and 'moving things along' unnaturally

At The Farm they are more than happy for labour to take a couple of days, its just about looking after the woman, allowing her to sleep/doze be comfortable and take baths/eat when she needs to

its a great read :) am thinking of buying a stack of them before too long and giving them to ladies who i know that decide to have a baby :)
:yay: Ive just ordered this book from amazon. Waiting for delivery eagerly now!

I LOVE the idea of the men having an Enema :rofl:

I think I'll order this book later on :yay:

As for eating during labour I had tea and toast and tbh didn't feel like much else but the MW's didn't say I couldn't eat

You use to not be able to drink either, the feckers thought they were doing you a favour if they give you an icecube to suck on :mad:

I drank at least 2 litres during my last labour :lol:
thats the thing though, we are all different, some women will want nothing, some women will want a three course meal

the important thing is that we all remember that we are in control and can ask for/get anything we want :)

There was one story in there about a lady who threw up continously during labour, but she wanted something to line her stomach so she wasnt dry retching all the time, turns out its not uncommon to throw up during labour but can make the whole situation much nicer if you have something to throw up rather than dry retching!

we are all different, we are all godesses and we will all take different amounts of time/processes to relax enough to give birth to our children - being empowered is vital :) OH will be goin to my fave italian restaurant to get me some yummy maca-cheese and chips if i'm hungry!! :) So no ones gonna tell me not to eat!! xxxx lol xx

my little ones will be born loving pasta probably, cos it's just ALL i want to eat atm...:S xx
I wasn't allowed to eat, I wasn't allowed to even drink water from 5am to 6pm the next day when he was born. And even then I could only have sips of water :wall2:
oh no def wretch with food to bring up! As long as it's not things like Orange juice or sweetcorn, tee hee
actually i think i'd rather dry wretch... :S

after a few hours i think you would change your mind - dry wretching is awful on the stomach and can cause you serious, serious problems with your upper bowel and stomach muscles, not to mention the sphincter in your throat which can get severly damaged by undiluted stomach acid and cause massive problems.

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