
Well im an absolute wimp and i had a sweep today! Was not very nice but i wont lose sleep over it. Think it was a bit painful just because my cervix is still fairly high x
Last time I had a smear there were 3 people staring up my foof

That's made me laugh out loud! It does sometimes feel like the world is already watching, so what's a few more..............

I can't believe there were screamers on this OBEM - I've had so many smears, checks, blah (I mean this is my fourth pregnancy too) and being checked for dilation is the least uncomfortable. It's the speculums and swabs which I absolutely hate.

On thurs when I was swept, the doc went away and I said "aren't you going to sweep me then?" and she said "I just did." I was all like wtf, I didn't feel a thing.
Yeah the screamer was on the most recent OBEM. She was still screaming after the epidural! She was no different after having it & couldn't have felt any pain. The MW tickled her feet & she didn't react so she was defo numb down there!!!!
She was still screaming as they passed the baby to her ffs!
I know everyone has different pain thresholds, but after an epidural? No need for it - she proper did my head in.
Personally I'm not a screamer, but I think my pain threshold is high cos my son was 9lb 7oz & I managed to give birth on gas & air & TENS machine only & had ventouse delivery with an episiotomy. Most painful thing for me was the bloody catheter they inserted to empty my bladder. I refused it point blank the second time they suggested it to me.
But once you have an epidural you shouldn't feel a thing, so why the yelling :lol:?

Sunnyb xxx
Oh I remember that episode. She was a total idiot and was screaming when the baby was on her chest. X

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