

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Can someone explain what being induced means? I know it means the hospital give you a tablet to bring on labour but does this mean you increase your chance of having a c section as i have been reading that on google. Am just curious btw incase they bring me in on the 1st september:) thanks
I have heard that being induced can increase chance of c section, I would imagine it's because your body is being forced to give birth so baby may not be in right position and then there's probably complications so they do a c section to save something going really wrong. X
I've been induced twice now. Basically, they use a pessary and put it up you (sorry for the wording) and wait about six hours to see if anything happens. If yes, great, if not, they will repeat it, up to 3, but occasionally four times. If it doesn;t send you into labour (it never put me in labour) they just want it to open your cervix and bring it low enough to break your waters. If breaking your waters still doesn't work, they connect you to a drip to make the contractions happen. From what I understand, it's the drip that increases the risk of c-section, as the contractions are forced, they come on a lot faster and more sudden and more painful than a normal labour, so your baby can get distressed as they are not eased into whats happening. I will, however, say I have heard this is quite rare, and could happen in a normal labour anyway!
I was put on a drip while in labour normally and I coped fine :) They just sped things up a bit as I wasn't dilating quick enough by myself.. I was booked to be induced on the 2nd of Feb and had my son naturally on the 26th of Jan, I was told there would be a higher chance of forceps or something having to be used.. But it didn't always end that way :) xx

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