maybe a stupid question

had my 2nd antenatal class today and she said it's fine to eat through the early and first stages of labour and to eat little and often and to keep well hydrated but once you hit 4cm dilated official labour has started most women can't really concentrate on anything else but the surges you get during contractions but drinking is allowed all the way through in my hospital, she said it can differ from place to place but at my hospital its encouraged to bring drinks and snacks to keep you going :)
Right - i'll be making OH take a detour to Burger King, MacDonalds and KFC :shock: on our journey to the hospital then! Haha! I'll have plenty of choc for energy and some lucozade and energy drinks if i'm told I cant eat! lol! x
yeah if they tell you you cant eat i would sneak something in :)

i cant imagine eating in the last stages of labour either and i am HOPING that mine doesnt last so long i need to eat very much

but i would feel very sorry for someone who was told they are 'banned' from eating during labour and laboured for more than a few hours :( Not suprising women in that posistion end up going with whatever medical intervention is offered, they are probably just too exhausted to make a rational desicion :(

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