** May 2019 Testing Thread **

I'm so sorry hun... But maybe it's for the best, you will be able to start with a clean slate as I did. :hug:
It's ok, I have a feeling I must have ovulated earlier than when I got that peak, or maybe not at all. I wasnt convinced by it. But now it's the start :) I have everything crossed for you x
I've taken another test from a different brand and there is another faint line! I have no idea what dpo I am since I didn't track ovulation but I'm on cycle day 24. I think this might finally the bfp I've been dreaming of!<3
Just a small update on the Ava bracelet that I bought, just in case anyone was considering it.

I received it a couple of weeks ago and have worn it every night. I put in the last 3 months cycle information- my last cycle was so long because I ovulated a week late. The instructions say it can take AVA a couple of cycles to start predicting correctly, however mine has been bang on! I have carried on with the Clearblue sticks as I knew it may take a couple of months and they match. Soooo happy with it so far.

I will use the sticks next month too but I don't feel like I will need to use them as much, maybe just to confirm peak.

Even though I am syncing and stick peeing, feeling quite relaxed and jolly this month. so fingers are well and truly crossed. If AF arrives it will be when I am in Italy so bring on the Wine!

Sorry for going on, but just thought I would give an insight into early stages of the AVA world.
Yay, massive congratulations Kitana, what I great start to May - I really hope this is the start of lots of bfps this month xx
Congratulations kitana! That’s amazing news! Hopefully this is the month starting as it’s going to go on x
Just to update I got my peak opk on Tuesday and my ovusense is saying today is O day, it can take a few days to get to know your cycles so could be a day or so out but I’m pretty pleased that it matches up x

Thank you ladies, will test again tomorrow morning to see if it's a bit darker! I hope I am one of the many who will get a bfp this month!! Fx!
@Kitana I really hope it's a BFP!! ;);) keep us updated!!
@chattychar1990 what you said do sound like a beginning of a bfp, i cross my fingers for you :)

My period is due in 2 days, I have had a stingy pain in my tailbone for no apparent reason :?lasted 3 days and now it's slowly going away, also today i started feeling cramps (they feel like PMS cramps)
I don't think this is going to be my month :-( I tried a chipie when I was 8 days before my period and resulted negative; Did another one 5 days before period and again negative SO now I have lost my hopes. I will def take another one if my period is late :)
Thank you ladies, will test again tomorrow morning to see if it's a bit darker! I hope I am one of the many who will get a bfp this month!! Fx!

Looking forward to seeing that line progression!

I’m 4dpo and the wait is agonising this month!
Thank you ladies, will test again tomorrow morning to see if it's a bit darker! I hope I am one of the many who will get a bfp this month!! Fx!

@Kitana How exciting!! Have everything crossed for you!!

@chattychar1990 my AF still has arrived...I did do a test at the weekend which came back negative.
I have started to get CM today so unsure what's going on. Starting to think I'm ovulating late. Will see what happens over the weekend. I haven't had AF in April at all and if going my last month she should have arrived on the 28th April but then going back to January she didn't arrive until 8th so I'll just have to be patient and wait it out.
Hoping your signs are all positive. Fingers crossed! Xx
Forgot to add we have DTD every other day throughout April so if I don't get a BFP I'll be very disappointed x

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