May 2017 Mummies

Wow surprised you managed to make sense of my drool sleep post lol! Anya still isn't engaging that much but she's still asleep most of the time. She's got a lot more head control and gets focused on bright things like if the TV is on in the evening. She ha's no time for her bouncer or baby gym she just cries on them. She was mildly interested in a rattle if you put it on her foot.

Emily it makes a big difference getting the right sized pump.
Lisey I stopped bleeding out the blue one day I was still red bleeding but 2 or 3 days ago it just stopped.
Betty. It sounds awful what you went through I'm so sorry hun. If you ever need to talk you know we're all here for you x
Kabuk I'm still huge lol. I can fit in some of my mat clothes so my thighs are thinner but my jelly belly is massive still. I just Brough a small new wardrobe from everything5pound it will kerp me going. Just trying to get new bras from eBay lol
I've gone up to a size 12 but can fit into some of my pre pregnancy size 10 clothes.

Ooh that's a good idea Ery, I'd forgotten about that site! Might have a nosey myself and see if I can get a couple of bits!

Yeah, I looked on the medela site and it asked a couple of questions and said if you answered yes to any then you're using the wrong size flange and I answered yes to at least two if not three.

I can't wait to get back to the gym. I'm a little worried I'll never fit my pre-pregnancy clothes. I was really small- a size 4-8 depending on the place and the leg fit (muscular legs). I'm just ready to try. I like goal setting, especially with working out. I know I'll have to take it slow and can't diet to help whilst breastfeeding, but proper exercise keeps me on track with a healthier diet too, which I'm finding difficult at the moment as I'm usually too tired to cook much and I'm limited with time so it's been lots of snacks that I can keep close, which I try to keep as healthy as possible.

Hoping the cooking thing improves and my energy improves as he starts to fall into a more regular sleep pattern. I'm not wishing this time away at all- every little milestone is so precious, but I can't wait until he sleeps longer at night with maybe one wakeup. I'll even just take more regularity at this point and less fussiness. I'm back on the couch as my dw is back at work. Hopefully at 6 weeks we'll move back into the bedroom and aim to get him into a good rhythm.

How long until your naval begins to look normal (mine looks well stretched and huge) and for skin colour to return to normal? I have the linea nigra.
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Never heard of everything5pound. Will definitely check it out. I just can't afford to spend too much on clothes that I'm hoping are temporary. Thanks for that, ery.
It's a good site I got 4 pairs of trousers and a few tops and two dresses and shoes! Just noticed anya being more responsive to sounds rather than objects so we just had a sound play and she was engaged quite well untI'll she got too tired and demanded a change a feed and a sleep. Lol that's a routine she's got us into lol. But she Def doesn't like her gym still lol.

Kabuk I still jave that line and the jelly belly belly button


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It does go as it went after my son but I can't remember how long
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My belly button never went quite back to normal after my son.

I think I might need to try and exercise to get my body back this time but I'm sooooo unmotivated it's unreal!! Still, I'm not going to worry about it for a while as I had a baby just under five weeks ago and I think I look pretty good considering!!

Little miss doesn't want to be put down right now, so everything has been put on halt while we snuggle and she hopefully falls asleep. Thankfully Cam has had his tea already otherwise I'd be feeling pretty stressed out right now!!

I wish I could see in her mouth like that link shows!



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Haha! Upside down bf!!

No idea how to rotate the picture!!

Emily I didn't realise you were hand expressing. I get hardly anything at all that way. My oh bought an electric pump and it's amazing. Our latch isn't quite right and I can't seem to fix it so unless I pump a few times a day too my supply goes right down. I highly recommend the medela pump, it was £90 but so so worth it. I find that I get a second round of milk if I stay on it for 15 mins at least on one side.

Kabuk that is such a nice picture. We've taken pictures of daisy but i had to take all the the apps off my phone after a traumatic birth, and I can't even look at the other sections of this forum yet.

Dovekie I've had a terrible time with my back and shoulders. For all the pain and suffering I've been through, other than the back contractions during labour, the worst pain has been this back and shoulder pain post op. They say it can be trapped gas, or it could be bruising from surgery or from the epidural. They really had to work hard to get daisy out of me she was so stuck! I'm trying to find the time and energy to get to the Dr's to see if there's anything I can do about it. So are you home now? Xx

I came home on Monday. It's been really stressful! Lots of ups and downs, crying one minute and happy the next.

My experience has traumatised me to some extent. The midwife gave me a number to call to talk about it. I can't talk about it when anyone asks without crying. No more pregnancies for me!

I had to hit the codeine last night. I'm pretty much alone at night and it's difficult. Lots of pains to deal with and awkward holding Owen and moving around, sorting bottles etc. Then there's the catheter! He's quite clingy through the night now and difficult to settle. I just got a sleepyhead bed for him as he's been sleeping with me! Hope you're coping ok with it all. It is very annoying not being well with a demanding newborn.
I am going to start exercising, my stomach has gone down loads but it's obv not as flat and toned as it was. Had a tiny waist before.
Sophie is so engaged and responsive. She has been properly smiling for a while now and loves to look around and at her toys. Apparently her Dad was like this as a Baby, he was a very early developer despite being v premature and kept his Mum very busy!! I should rest as much as I can now lol xx
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We've had a few smiles from Eleanor and she's starting to make a few proper sounds too which are just the cutest!

Kabuk, I got some TT bottles but I think the teet is too hard for him, compared to what he's used to.

9 MLS is good Emily. I'm going to look at the Medela electric pump as that's what I used in hospital and it was really good. I can't measure what's coming out of the hand held as the bottle is too big.

Ive got the drool too Ery! Lots of stains on the pillow.
Aww you girls are all so sweet, biggin up my whole nine mls!! Lol!!

I will start exercisin when my hips/groin allows I put up some shelves today and I'm doing the school run morn and afternoon (always walk. On Monday I'm going to walk to work for a visit that's 1mile there 1 mile back on Tuesday I'll walk to the bank 1.5mile there 1.5 mile back on wed I'll collapse in a heap and cry lol
Yat another drool buddy lol. I took off the protective sheet now there's no chance of my waters breaking in bed instead I'm drooling snd boon leaking all I need now is to pee the bed lol 9ml is amazing compared to your 2.5
I've left my waterproof cover on the mattress which is just as well as the night sweats are back again!

To be fair I'm pretty chuffed with my ,9mls!! Most I've ever had!! Only got 8 with Cam!

Ha there is an advantage to being fat to start with, I can't tell any difference with my belly before and after. I didn't get the line (as I can't produce pigment due to my skin tone) and I escaped stretch marks too. I'm back in all my normal clothes (although I fit in my tops fine I can't wear them as they aren't feeding friendly, so I've had to buy new tops). I've not weighed myself yet but I suspect I am still slightly heavier than I was before hand, so I do need to shift a bit of weight. Breast feeding seems to have dropped me back to 'normal' fairly fast. I'm snacking way more than usual, I think feeding is making me hungry?!

I've decided to leave the mattress protector on, before hand we just had a regular one but it is looking shabby so I'm going to throw it and keep the waterproof one instead. I've had some milk leaking issues so it is also protecting the mattress from that and the drool!

I'm looking forward to riding again, I haven't so far as I still have muscle soreness from labour. I said I would ride again when I can walk up stairs properly... I have a feeling I won't stick to that though if it carries on much longer. My other labour 'injury' is my first drip site, there is a lump and it is still painful but is gradually getting better now.

I had to buy size two nappies this week. I've got about a weeks worth of size 1 left and I'm pretty sure he will then be big enough for size 2. I can't believe how fast he is growing. I'm a bit sad it is going so quickly!

He has been a bit unsettled this afternoon, quite a bit of random screaming for no reason I can establish, then suddenly just stopping and sleeping. He has been sucking his hands a lot a few minutes after feeding but when I've tried to feed again he hasn't been interested, so I think he is full but just wants to carry on sucking?
I also think his days in 0-1 month are numbered! His toes are getting near the end now, so we will move up to 0-3 pretty soon.

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