May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Hello all, new member here coming to say hi! I got my BFP on Sunday - two tests, second one was digi and said 1-2 weeks, which works with my ov estimate. My period was due today, and didn't arrive, so now I'm starting to get my head around the fact this may actually be happening!
Congratulations welcome to a very nervous bunch of ladies!
Welcome missfeb and mrsjw and congratulations to you both xx
Congrats and welcome to the new may mummies xx
Morning everyone. Hi MrsJW :) congratulations.
All my symptoms seem to have disappeared this morning :oooo: I had forgotten how worrying the first trimester is.
welcome to the new may mummies :)

first day back at work today after 6 week's off! and my youngest starts school so it's going to be emotional!

leaving work next Friday because they won't let me out to pick the kids up from school so only got 9 days but I hate working my notice it's always so awkward!
My symptoms went this morning too. I hope they gone back later. I had major timmy cramp. But nothing that I've not felt when not pregnant so I'm saying ibs... lol
Hi all, dipping in as got the positive yesterday. 2 squinters on CB on Sunday eve/Monday morning after a day late, so tried a FRER Monday evening & was much clearer. First pregnancy! No major symptoms except a few hot flushes. But very nervous, tinge of colour when wiped earlier so will keep an eye on that. 4 weeks today. Booked appointment with doctor in for 2 weeks time. So that's that, hopefully we can keep random worries away together!
Good luck hun. If you font mind me asking what colour? X x x

Lol gotta love this forum "hello person I've never met what colour is your discharge" pmsl.
:lol: yep indeed. More golden w/ brown tinge. Nothing on wipe just now but 2 spots of same colour on liner. That doesn't sound too bad does it?
No yellowy colour is normal. It just means you have more progesterone in your system :) brown if it really is brown is old anyway usually left over from implantation. So all sounds good :)
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Phew ok good to know! I'm sure i'll be scrutinising it all but hopefully that should be gone soon then. Thanks :) x
only worry if it's red really hun. congrats and welcome :)
So other than general worries, I'm struggling a bit with food and drink. In particular, I can't figure out which fruit teas I can have. Lots of the Twinnings ones seem to have liqorice root in - I thought that was a no-no?
Did another test today to check still had a positive and got a good dark line. Phew! Gonna do another digital at the weekend to hopefully get a 3+. This is gonna be a long 12 weeks.
First time for me and feeling very nervous! I'm a worrier anyway which doesn't help. Just booked my midwife appointment for October 5th-seems ages away...
Congratulations all :)
I'm not sure on teas and things have you asked Google? lol got my docs appointment today at 10. sickness has hit me today feel awful :( really don't want to go to work
Hi all,

Did my first pregnancy test on Friday and got a BFP! Very happy but still in shock I think, we have been trying but not for long and didn't expect it to happen this fast! I kind of thought I might of been as I had really sore nipples and like a pulling pain in my pelvis.
So I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow according to my doctor and I've booked an early private scan for 28th September when I will be just under 8 weeks.. Wanted to see if anyone else had booked one of these or there thoughts on them?

I'm a bit anxious and keep thinking it will all go wrong (this is my first pregnancy and I'm thinking these feelings are normal!)

My symptom this week have been really tender boobs, period type pains and also the worst one being bad cramping then going for a poo and then it goes (sorry TMI but I have read this in other forums and it seems quite common) has anyone else had this?

Sorry bit of an essay! I'm new to all this forum but love reading everyone's stories!
Woke up this morning and did a digi said not pregnant and if started bleeding alot. Got emergency Dr appt for 11 but I'm thinking the worst :(

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