May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Is anyone else struggling with food and drink, as in, they don't want or fancy anything? If I drink too much at once, I get sick. I have gone off tea and coffee and don't fancy any drink. Food makes me feel sick, even looking at it!! I am managing fairly plain stuff but I am not eating much really xx
I'm like that. I can't stand food but fortunately that goes when I start to eat. I want to drink all the time but that makes me feel sick.
I'm not having any problems with food or drink. I was expecting to be fairly sick as I get awfully travel sick and I've heard if you are prone to travel sickness you are highly likely to suffer with pregnancy sickness? Anyone know if that is true?

I hate being sick but I was kind of hoping for some nausea to put me off food a bit and lose a bit of fat!
Lol snowbee. I'm not sure I was horrendously sick with my son. I probably had HG but I never mentioned it to anyone as I thought it was normal. I just suffered! I do get travel sick too but not sea sick! I hate throwing up I have a massive phobia of it. As for the nausea well mine only goes away when I eat... so I'm developing another spare tyre! I'm dreading work tomorrow. I've got to walk in then spend 8.5 hours on my feet with only a 30 min break. It's harsh.
I get travel sick but I've not had any significant nausea with any of my pregnancies and I've never been sick. I tend to feel a bit sick when I hungry but that's it.

I really don't get many symptoms at all which is really nice but also offers no reassurance at all!

My appetite is about the same although I think I might be a bit more thirsty than usual?

Hubby and I had 'the sex talk' last night. Well sort of! He basically said I assume were not dtd for a while and I was like nope and he was like ok I figured as much and that was that. I'm sure I'm being over cautious but I just don't want to risk anything.

Oh I think I've got that talk tonight. I'm getting weird pains down there like my area is tired I'm worried a bit about it. :s
Hi girls
Unfortunately il be leaving may mummies thread. Hospital has confirmed a miscarriage. I'm devastated.
I wish all you lovely ladies a happy and healthy 9 months and look forward to hearing your birth stories
Love of love and babydust xxx
So sorry to hear that Bella x x x x we are all here for you if you need to talk :hugs:
had my docs appointment today she's given me an edd of 14th may. just got to wait for my booking appointment to come through anyone know when it normally is?

feel like I could kill someone today :(
had my docs appointment today she's given me an edd of 14th may. just got to wait for my booking appointment to come through anyone know when it normally is?

feel like I could kill someone today :(

I think with my first it was about 10 weeks and with my second about 8 weeks.

I went to docs today because my hips and pelvis have already started playing up so needed a referral to physio. He didn't mention referring my to midwives so assuming they have gone back to self referral although the last time I was pregnant the docs did it.

Welcome new mamas! If you want added to the list on the first page let me know your current EDD and I will stick you on. X
So sorry to hear your sad news Bellarina.

Miscarriage is truly devastating and I'm so very sorry you're going through this.

Be kind to yourself sweetheart.

Thinking of u bellarina. Devastating news.

Girls when is the earliest u can have an external scan to see everything?

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