May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Hello1st time. Congratulations. I think most of us on this thread are having early scans as sadly quite a lot of us have suffered multiple losses. My 1st scan is at just 5 weeks I think it will be too early to see anything then. And I usually measure a week behind on the early scans too. But yeah I think we are all experts on them lol. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. My first pregnancy did :) it's just been a bugger since then!
Aw Bellarina I'm so sorry to read your update. I hope you are ok, big hugs x

Welcome to all the newbies!

1st time, I'm having an early scan arranged by the mc trial team as I've had previous losses. My scan will be at 7+3 so hoping to see something there! It will be two weeks today and I have my fingers crossed that I'll make it that far.

How is everyone else doing today?
My thoughts on early scans is that they are worth every penny! I'll get at least one early scan this time (due to recurrent miscarriage) but if they won't give me another one then I'll def pay for a private one.

Symptoms wise for me, I've had some cramping on and off (super terrifying symptom!!) and I've had a dodgy tum since I got my bfp. Obviously I was ill with a bug on day of bfp but I've been loose since. I had this when I was pregnant with my son as I remember posting a thread about it!

Five weeks tomorrow and 20 days until early scan!

Thanks for the great replies.

I don't think I appreciated the amount of loss there is until I got my BFP and have been reading a lot of forums and it's become apparent it happens a fair bit.. so it really gets you overthinking every little thing!

Does anyone carry on doing pregnancy tests up until the scan or do you leave it and just see how it goes?

Emily0505 what's your EDD.. Mine is 11th May.. I imagine your quite similar!
Ladies, do you all keep testing? I'm sort of assuming that all is ok in the absence of any bleeding. I had two positive tests on Sunday and still no sign of my period which was due Sunday/Monday. But I am nervous. And also desperate to tell people!
Yep due 11th/12th May although I expect it'll change at scan. By my last period it's 12th but going by cycle days it's 11th. I'm not worrying about it at the moment though, one because it'll likely change anyway, two because baby more than likely won't come on due date and three because I've got to make it out of Tri one first, which hasn't happened the last three times!!

In regards to puttin peeing on sticks, I'm testing daily.

I've done around 22 tests now!Lol!! Although I am only doing one a day now!

I do keep testing, but mostly because I don't think it's real just yet. I need the reassurance I think. I've also booked an early scan for 25th Sept, I didn't have one with my first but feel like this one will be worth every penny.
First midwife appointment tomorrow!
Lots of us due around the 11th I hope it's a busy time for all of us! I'm still peeing on sticks and desperately hoping to make it out of tri 1 too. The time is dragging though! 5 days until my early scan. I'll definitely be having more.
Is anyone else getting round ligament pain? I've had a fair bit already!

Bellarina i'm so sorry for you, hope you're getting through today xx

For those having early scans, have you just googled and found one local? Mine seem to be between £50-£100 on private links. Can i ask my GP for blood tests for no other reason than reassurance and checking hcg? My positives were quite faint.
I had a private early scan with my third pregnancy. I just googled and found a local one and booked in. It cost £100.

You could ask your gp for bloods if you're worried. They'll need to take two samples 48 hours apart to see if hcg is doubling.

Have you tested again since to see if your lines are getting darker?

I've had private scans since my first miscarriage on the NHS. I know that's rare but on my first miscarriage they found fluid in my fallopian tube that they weren't happy with. They have been really good with me at my first hospital actually. I'm a bit scared about my new hospital though they don't seem as good.

Round ligament pain. I'm not sure I'll have to Google what that feels like!
I tend to get it if I move from sitting to standing too quickly and sometimes when I sneeze.

My scans are being done through the NHS but there is a local place that does early scans (I found them when I was considering getting private follicle tracking scans). The place closest to me is £45 for a reassurance scan.

I'm testing daily. The sole reason for this is so I can be prepared in case the worst happens. Both my mcs have been a sudden gush of blood with no prior warning. The first time I was totally unprepared and it was a real shock. The second time I had been testing and my lines got lighter the day before and that morning, so I had gone out prepared with pads and a change of clothes (fortunately as again I got the gush with no warning and soaked though all my clothes and we had gone out for the day for my birthday).

My GP won't do bloods. You can always ask. You can get them done privately for about £50 per test (you need two to compare, one tells you nothing).
My early scan is booked for 28th Sept. I just googled early pregnancy scan and found one local to me. Luckily they only charge £40 and have really good and nice reviews. Think they offer all sorts of packages too so will see how I get on if I want to book any extra.

Getting a bit nervous about miscarriage as reading about it a lot.. Which probably won't help me but feel I need to be prepared if it was to happen. Everytime I go to the loo I keep expecting blood.. Never inspected toilet roll so thoroughly!!
Emily, I think I have had some round ligament already too. Thought it would be too early but its when I move too xx

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