Maternity clothes, how long did you wait??


Jun 20, 2012
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Hey everyone,

Just wondered how early you moved into maternity clothes? (if you have already)

I'm only 6 weeks and 5 days but already my jeans and trousers are getting uncomfortable. I find myself can't wait to open that top button when I get in car or get home from work! Feels like heaven! :dance:

I'm feeling so bloated all the time which I don't suppose helps just wondered weather to buy larger trousers or some maternity bottoms with adjustable waistband maybe so they last a but longer?
I'm 15 weeks and managed to fit into my size 12 skinny jeans yesterday! Nearly cried with joy! I've just been living in leggings and loose tops but haven't bought anything new. Just have a few workable pieces! X

I'm still in normal leggings (albeit I have gone up a size)

However I don't fit into any of my other skirts, trousers or jeans :shock:

I think you'll find the initial bloating will ease off and you most lilkely wont need maternity stuff just yet!

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I've not bought any maternity clothes x
I'm not in Maternity clothes but am living in leggings and oversized tops! I dont really want to have to but maternity clothes if I can avoid it, although I know I will put on weight and may need to just buy some essentials.
I still have my maternity jeans from last time. But other than than i'm off shopping for leggings and long tops on Thursday! x
I don't normally wear leggings but I think a change could be in order....seems like the way forward :)
I'm sooo bloated that if I owned maternity clothes if be wearing them.

I'm wearing skinny jeans and a long top today and have implemented the hairband technique as my tummy is sore from uterus cramps and gas and I didn't want my waistband digging in at work all day.

I wore leggings and dress/tops over the weekend and until the gas situation improves I think leggings will be the way forward. I'm shopping on Sunday so will get some more long tops and also a soft bra/crop top to sleep in!
Same as you laurenb as soon as I can it's button undone or comfy pants/pj's on, just soooo bloated, don't remember this last time
So glad I'm not the only one, thought I was going crazy it being so early!!

At least I have an excuse to go shopping now and OH can't moan!! :)
I bought my first maternity clothes this week, I don't have any leggings. My jeans are too uncomfortable now & are mainly tight with no room to grow so I didn't really have a choice. However I will wear dresses whenever possible now, plenty of room in them & so much comfier than trousers.

I did feel abit daft buying them already but I'm struggling for bottoms to wear on a weekend if I go anywhere.

You will probably find that the bloated feeling goes away after a week or 2 and you will feel comfortable in your usual clothes again xx
Bras from 6 weeks and clothes from 8 weeks.
Currently wearing a pair of old MIL trousers as can fit over bump and are still baggy and a bigger size top.

Dresses deffinatly feel best but my best 2 dresses are getting very tight on top now :(
Bras from 6 weeks and clothes from 8 weeks.
Currently wearing a pair of old MIL trousers as can fit over bump and are still baggy and a bigger size top.

Dresses deffinatly feel best but my best 2 dresses are getting very tight on top now :(

I've already gone up a cup size (did with Jack in the beginning too) and am now living in the 1 new bra I bought last week because I refuse to buy anymore nice ones. If I get any bigger i'll knock someone out with them lol. I'm waiting a while before buying maternity ones although I wore them early on with Jack x
Lol, thank god it's not just me!! I'm beginning to think i'm having twins :) I'm not even 6 weeks yet and I'm sooooo bloated. I can't bear to wear anything with an elasticated waist, I can't fasten any of my trousers up, my knickers are cutting into my stomach and my bras are too small :-( If I could get away with wearing my nightshirt to work, believe me I would do!! :rofl: :rofl:

I was looking longingly at the maternity clothes at the weekend and thinking how crazy it was that I might need them already! Am I right in thinking that my bloated stomach will reduce in size then, before I get my proper baby bump?
That depends.
My flab and bloatedness is turing into a more defined bump now and getting firmer.
Ooh :shock: maybe I should start shopping for maternity clothes soon!
from about 8 weeks.

I got HUUUGE straight away and so had no choice really.

In the last couple of months I had to cut the waste band of my leggings and wear my mums old size 20 tops. (Pre pregnancy size 8-10) mind you i put on four stone and had a 9lb 14oz baby!
I've not bought maternity things yet but have gone from size 12 clothes to buying size 16/18 leggings/jogging bottoms - SO much more comfortable. Bought them weeks ago and even before that was struggling to stay in my trousers without keeping the button undone!

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