*March and April mums and babies*

Been a goodish night Mia went down at half 9 slept til 1 had a bottle then slept til half 3 and didnt go back to sleep til half 4 so while she slept in her moses basket downstairs I grabbed the blanket and slept on the settee til half 7. OH got up with Ollie this morning at 6 but had him upstairs watching Thomas on Netflix and let me catch up on some sleep x
The first few nights I really struggled to get comfortable Emmajaine but day 10 and I am doing much better. I took the dressing off my wound last night and have to say that constant tightness is gone. Thankfully my wound seems to be healing amazingly I'm really impressed with the scar at first I didn't want to look but OH encouraged me and hopefully it will fade nicely.

I still have a bit of a bump and my belly feels so strange! When does all that settle?
My four week old daughter, Eva, seems to be suffering with Windows and reflux :-(
she's taking infacol before each feed but is now frequently sick even when winded frequently. She now can't be laid down without being sick. So awful night sleep last night.
has anyone got any advice?
She's on expressed breast milk as she still isn't attaching to the boobs.
Hi ladies! Welcome to all the new mums!
Haven't been on in a while as the wee man has been keeping me busy and we went back to Ireland there at the weekend to visit the family. Needless to say everyone is smitten and he started smiling just in time!
CDx I know what you mean about the strange belly feeling, only way I could describe is like having a bag of water inside that swished around every time I rolled over. It's just excess uterus and will go soon as it contracts back to normal size. Mine didn't last too long.

Aimee, as she is 4 weeks now you can try gripe water, we are on a concoction of colief and gripe water now, the infacol worked a bit but he does seem better on colief ( although it is bloody expensive! And I don't think our gp will prescribe it!) Zach is still windy but isn't crying for 3 hours at a time anymore. I don't give it at every feed but it's still helping.

We are starting to get a good 5 hour stretch now at night time which is great, but we are due another 'leap' in the next few days so that is going to go downhill :-(

Really struggling with Alex at night time. We feed him, change him, wind him, cuddle him and he won't stop crying to go to sleep. Every so often he slows his crying so he can yawn but otherwise he won't sleep. We've given him infacol as he does suffer with wind but even with it he won't stop crying. Anyone got any tips on how to ditch the wind and get him to sleep?? he's but up and crying for the last 4 hours non stop, it makes me sad to see him so upset and I feel helpless xx
My other daughter was like that and nothing really helped til we changed her milk to the cow and gate comfort and it helped a lot. We gave her that along with infacol and it worked wonders.
We had a better night with Mia think it was cuz she was awake for a while throughout the day. Just waiting for her colour pack to come for her pushchair to be delivered hoping it comes before I have to pick my daughter up from school at half 11 x
Arran sleeps all day unless he is needing fed or changed, and mostly at night too. I know I can't really complain but between 10 and 12.30 he just won't settle and gets really upset and I don't know why Or how to comfort him. This is when he was most active in the womb so not sure I'd that's related.
I spoke to the midwife and she said try to stimulate him a bit more in the evenings but he literally wakes up for nothing.
Mias been asleep mainly all morning and was awake on and off between 12 and half 1. She'll have a bath when the kids are eating tea then will be ready for bed.
Hopefully will stick to this routine and she'll do good again tonight. X
Welcome to all the new mummies xx

I have the horrible dreaded first jabs today, 3 needles in his little chubby legs ;(
Good luck with the needles today for ur Lil one chrissie.

Goes so quick dont it kitten mias 3 weeks old now will be a month old on the 31st mad to think its my original due date Sunday and that shes here already.
She done well again last night finally in a routine I think lol.
Bout time I can go back and sleep in bed I think. Hopefully she will keep to it and actually sleep upstairs in her moses basket x
When do babies start to stretch out? Arran is constantly curling into the fetal position, I don't think he's too happy at being whisked out of the emergency exit 2 weeks early, he isn't due until Saturday.

It's strange the only time we have issues with settling him is when he was most active in the womb, at least OH doesn't get to sleep through it as much now lol.
Alex is 9 days old and I'm struggling with winding him. Partly because he's a very windy baby and struggles to bring it up but also because when I have him sat on my knee he's holding his head back and pushing up with his legs. Surely this isn't right at 9 days???
Felix is the same always flinging his head around and struggling, very hard to wind him it's rare we get a burp after feeding :(
We have had wind and thrashing legs and arms back, as well as pushing back, very normal! I'm using infacol, which i think works.

Sorry I've not been on much. It's chaos here most of the time and try to get out most days so don't get on much to post. But try and read every day.m

I've just got around to doing my birth story. It's in birth announcements! Would love you to all read. Made me all emotional writing it! Can't believe it was 5 weeks ago this Saturday! im really enjoying my baby this time around a totally different experience to first time around (colic and reflux ŵith first baby) Jensen is very chilled most of the time!
Thanks em, was horrible, 2 needles, 1 in each of his chubby little legs :( and some yucky stuff in his mouth but thank god its over for now anyway xxx
Aww chrissie did it bother him or was he ok?
Heading to read birth story now tiggy!! X
Has anyone had a post birth physio appointment? I got a letter through with an appointment next week and I have no idea why...
He screamed and sobbed :( been sleeping loads since having them, I'm expecting an unsettled night, I haven't had any letter like that xx
it's horrible aint it the needles. It doesnt get any easier no matter how many babies you have lol. Im dreadin mias even more than I did with the others cuz of how tiny she is and how skinny her legs are.
We're back upstairs tonight so fingers crossed its a good night. So im gonna get my head down and try and get some sleep xx

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