*March and April mums and babies*

Heres the chart of the leaps ladys.
It goes by due date rather than birth date though.

Its weigh day here again! Jenson was back up to 5lb 3ozs Saturday so another 10ozs to go until birth weight! Fingers crossed he will be almost there today!

He wakes around 2 and 5 for a feed usually but just latches on and we both go back to sleep! The joys of the co sleeper!


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The black is a leap, the black cloud is the worst of the leap and the grey clouds with sun is their 'sunny' *happy* period.
I found them pretty spot on with DD xx
Im shattered this morning. Defo think Mia has reflux. She seems to settle during the day fine in her moses basket but come to between half 9 and 10 she just doesn't like sleeping in there. I really dont wanna cosleep as shes so little and dont want hrr to get used to sleeping in my bed.
Think I'm gonna try and get a nap in somewhere today x
Hello ladies and babies...
Never really be on the forum much lately.. been kept busy with Pàdraig and my little girl who has chicken pox at the minute. Hoping padraig is ok and he can have more complications if he gets them being a newborn. But as my breastfeeding him I'm hoping that will help him. It will be a miracle if he doesn't get them and caoimhe has been all over him before we knew she had them.
I want to join the baby party over here! Tri 3 is getting pretty silent now!
Hi guys also new to the group. Cant believe phoebe is 3days old already! I am slowly recovering ofrom the long birth altho sleeping for more than 2hrs is a distant memory lol. she wudnt settle down for sleep last night so OH n I took it in turns skin to skin in lounge while the other got some uninterrupted sleep! Im currently on skin to skin hence y messaging. cudnt possibly sleep at same time lol. She does seem to prefer sleeping on tummy on our chests n hates being on bak (except in carrycot) side which we did first couple nights between us in bed. Tried crib first night n she hated it after 2hrs...

She had 1st check up yesterday all looks great altho were waiting longer than expected- it wore her out lol...

Managing to do more now gentle housework etc n had first bath on thur, put on music n first song that plays - Aerosmith - don't wanna miss a thing. Before I knew it had tears streaming down my face...first time properly apart even tho she was next door. Everything went thru mind - the biryh, first moments with her, feelin guilty for having bath, tiredness lol...ok with song now but wow emotional or what??
Hey guys, had a better night with Mia :)
She settled at half 9 woke at 1 back down at quarter past 1 woke at 4 and kept soothing herself back to sleep between 5 and half 6. She kept having little cries/whimpers but she stopped after a minute or so and was back to sleep in no time.
Took all 4 kids to the park yesterday afternoon and got complemented on how well behaved they are and how well presented they are. One woman couldn't believe how old I am and asked how old Mia is told her and got told im doing well for being 2 weeks post birth lol x
Weather looks rubbish today so looks like we will be staying in and watching films x
Oh my god I feel horrendous. Woke up yesterday with a sore throat, throughout the day my neck/back started to hurt by the evening all my joints had swollen up & where so painful and I was a quivering mess of the sofa- despite upping the heating I had 2 pairs of socks on, leggings, trackies, vest, top, hoody and a blanket but was still freezing! Didn't sleep great as Milanias having a growth spurt & while she wasnt awake she was making so much noise she kept waking me up! She fell back asleep at 7 and we slept so deeply til 8.45!! While I don't feel amazing, feel loads better! Just dosing myself up on cocodamol and strepsils. Sister is bringing her baby to our dads today! I'll be staying well away from him & my grandad (100) though! It's very hard not kissing & breathing on your own baby! But I would feel awful if Milania or the other 2 caught this! Xxx
Jinxed it completely. Mia had a rubbish night. She just wouldnt sleep she wanted to keep falling to sleep while being held. Im shattered.
Hopefully she wont keep wanting to be held whilst falling to sleep.
Doesn't help that ive woke up with headache as well :( x
Can I join you ladies?? It's been a while since I've been on here but now Alex is 6 days old (hard to believe this time last week I was keeled over in agony nursing a rather large bump!) Hope all the new mummies and babies on here are doing well :-)

Alex is gorgeous and doing well. He's lost 6oz since birth but he is only taking around the 2oz mark at feeds, won't wake up when he's hungry and really suffers with wind. We'll get there but it would be nice to get just a little bit more sleep! However he is adorably gorgeous and I wouldn't be without him now! uploadfromtaptalk1429517372516.jpg


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Oh Emma, maybe she's getting ready for her first growth spurt? Usually around 4/4.5 weeks? Milania was very much like that, she'd have a few brilliant nights them some real rubbish ones! She was doing so well only waking once during the night but now we're both ill & her colic is seemingly worse she's back to waking 3-4 times! So neither of us are going to get better very quickly! Xxx
Can I join you ladies?? It's been a while since I've been on here but now Alex is 6 days old (hard to believe this time last week I was keeled over in agony nursing a rather large bump!) Hope all the new mummies and babies on here are doing well :-)

Alex is gorgeous and doing well. He's lost 6oz since birth but he is only taking around the 2oz mark at feeds, won't wake up when he's hungry and really suffers with wind. We'll get there but it would be nice to get just a little bit more sleep! However he is adorably gorgeous and I wouldn't be without him now! View attachment 54581

Hi love! He's a beaut! I know it's hard but don't be super woman & do too much! when he's napping- you nap! The wind is horrendous! A few of us on here have very colicky babies, it's not pleasant! Xxx
Shes 3 weeks tomorrow. I hope shes better tonight lol. Shes normally such a good sleeper. She normally goes straight back down to sleep after a bottle no fuss but now she likes to be held while sleeping and wont go down most of the time.

Aww cossie he's gorgeous x
Aww Cossie so cute :) oh these babies and their feeding habbits, they do like to keep us on our toes don't they haha. Cossie I was told that 2oz is a very normal amount for them to have in one feed when they're still tiny so i wouldn't worry, can sympathise with the wind though it's a nightmare xo
My mum has made matching dribble bibs for Felix's stuffed toys :') love having a crafty mum!


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Welcome cossie and congrats xxx

Caleb went through that awful sleep bit and I'm sure he will again but for now he seems to have settled again now dare I say it :x He has his first lot of jabs on Thursday, not looking forward to that at all, 3 needles :wall2:

I love those northern girl, so cute :D
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Another April mummy wanting to join please??

Alexis June Bradford was born on 16th April at 6.23 by emergency c-section ( have found out I was actually classed as a crash c-section (category 1) which is unusual apparently): Has been hard since having her, am on iron tablets (due to blood loss in surgery) plus all the normal meds for after a c-section. Am finding sleeping hard cos of the wound, can't lie down easily, so am set up on the sofa overnight ATM. Any other c-section mummies finding sleep hard?

Alexis also suffers really badly with wind, so nights are hard work with her, especially when you count in the fact she is not taking to the breast very well, so am expressing and syringe feeding her. Thank god OH is supportive!

Bless you that sounds rough, I didn't have a c section but had plenty of stitches and a windy baby too so can sort of sympathise with you! The first couple of weeks are so hard it felt like it was never going to end but already by 3 weeks it seems to be getting easier, if that's any comfort to you.
Have you been given any advice on the wind? Just 'cos I was given a bit of advice on how to help it but won't bore you with it if it's stuff you've already heard xo
Mia can be a pain when it comes to getting her wind up. And she dribbles a lot of her milk out while drinking it from the bottle so not too sure if to change the type of bottles she has.
2oz is normal for a small baby/newborn. Mia is still only taking between 2oz and 3oz. Midwife has said its completely normal for her cuz she was 4 weeks premature.
Took her a walk round the school the other day and had all the moms commenting on how smally and doll like she is.
Shes such a tiny Lil thing its mad to thibg all my others were bigger and they gained weight pretty quickly.

Would have a nap to catch up on sleep but got so much to do before I pick up my eldest lad from school.
Bless you that sounds rough, I didn't have a c section but had plenty of stitches and a windy baby too so can sort of sympathise with you! The first couple of weeks are so hard it felt like it was never going to end but already by 3 weeks it seems to be getting easier, if that's any comfort to you.
Have you been given any advice on the wind? Just 'cos I was given a bit of advice on how to help it but won't bore you with it if it's stuff you've already heard xo

Thanks hun, would love some advice re wind!

Was able to discuss some of my concerns with midwife today, so feeling a bit better this evening x

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