March 2021 testing thread

Hi ladies, been bit quiet this week as work has been manic. Got my 7th straight day of flashing smiley today, has some cramping so might have ovulated and missed it.

Night before last was up in the night with my little one and forgot to test with first morning wee so not sure how accurate it is.

Despite being knackered managed to BD 3 times this week so if have ovulated then should have covered it xx
I’m CD15 today so assuming I’m having a 28 cycle think O must have happened by now?? Will try get one more BD in tomorrow.
Hi ladies, been bit quiet this week as work has been manic. Got my 7th straight day of flashing smiley today, has some cramping so might have ovulated and missed it.

Night before last was up in the night with my little one and forgot to test with first morning wee so not sure how accurate it is.

Despite being knackered managed to BD 3 times this week so if have ovulated then should have covered it xx

@Summertime when I get flashing I use it twice a day they are pretty good to be fair x
Hi ladies, been bit quiet this week as work has been manic. Got my 7th straight day of flashing smiley today, has some cramping so might have ovulated and missed it.

Night before last was up in the night with my little one and forgot to test with first morning wee so not sure how accurate it is.

Despite being knackered managed to BD 3 times this week so if have ovulated then should have covered it xx
Fingers crossed that's covered you. X
I've started today with lots of creamy discharge. Is this normal at 3dpo?
I've started today with lots of creamy discharge. Is this normal at 3dpo?

I always get creamy and some times watery discharge after ovulation. I’m not doing all my usual symptom spotting though this month just going to get on with it and see what happens. Feel like I might avoid disappointment this way x
That meant to stay the line IS lighter today x

I was wondering but didn’t like to say :rotfl: the clear blue ones have a habit of doing that to me though light then dark then light again it’s annoying! X
@Mrsbridge17 oh good its ok then, just wondered because I didn't get much leading upto ovulation.

I want to not symptom spot too, its hard not too though, its annoying :rotfl: xz
Hi ladies. I’m 10dpo and no positive as of yet. Not very confident, although did BD enough. Thinking of ditching opks after 1 month and go in blind so to speak. I’m normally 28-30 day cycle and have been for last 3 years! now I’m going be at least a 36day this month. Seems odd really. Maybe the stress of it lol. Unless it’s the vaccine xx
Hi ladies. I’m 10dpo and no positive as of yet. Not very confident, although did BD enough. Thinking of ditching opks after 1 month and go in blind so to speak. I’m normally 28-30 day cycle and have been for last 3 years! now I’m going be at least a 36day this month. Seems odd really. Maybe the stress of it lol. Unless it’s the vaccine xx

@Clarkecharm that is a really really good point! I didn’t even think of the vaccine! Maybe that is why I will be later this month too as I ovulated CD27. X
@Clarkecharm that is a really really good point! I didn’t even think of the vaccine! Maybe that is why I will be later this month too as I ovulated CD27. X

I ovulated on Thursday before though and had jab 48hrs later on the Saturday. I think a mix of the stress of opks tbh xx
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I ovulated on Thursday before though and had jab 48hrs later on the Saturday. I think a mix of the stress of opks tbh xx

Oh did you! I’ve had some random cycles like that before where I finally get a period around day 46 x
I really don’t think I am this month though, so in my head I’m already on next month.

Want it to happen yesterday. :rotfl: Xx

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