My vote would defo be for an apple and blackberry crumble

our DD loves blackberries, whenever we walk by a bush she goes running over to them wanting them!
You have to share what this amazing product is!
My husband always calls me his whirlwind. I just move at a rediculous speed all day round

so I do tend to get quite a bit done in not much time. Plus if you do it every day you never get to the stage where it needs a deep clean that takes the time.
Im running out of clothes that fit but Im too early for maternity clothes. My jeans are straining (Ive already split one pair) and even my Lycra running gear is tight. Any suggestions?!
Get yourself to primark. I picked Jon a pair of leggings the other day, cotton ones for £2.50 and they're amazing, they're not see through at all which is what's I was expecting! And a couple of tshirts for also £2.50. They'll tide you over and even be good enough for the next few months.
I have OCD too with my home, and while you care less about the way the house looks it is fairly easy to keep on top of. I used to let her leave toys all over, then at naptime (after lunch) I'd run around putting everything to rights and having a clean, then when she got up she'd leave toys all over again which are easily put back when she's in bed on a night.
You'll find your pattern
I do the exact same with DD toys, I can't relax in a messy front room so when she's napping it all gets bunged away.