*****March 2019 Mummies*****

Hello guys can someone add me to the March due baby facebook group please. If there is one xx
My EDD has been put forward to 3.3.17 so I am now 13 weeks today! I’ll leave the thread to somel aenthiugh as I’ll probably mess it up!! 🤣🤣🤣
My EDD has been put forward to 3.3.17 so I am now 13 weeks today! I’ll leave the thread to somel aenthiugh as I’ll probably mess it up!! 🤣🤣🤣

Whys your date been put forward?
Week 13 so yeah should be a few ladies there by now!

How many weeks are you, Sparky Mum?

12+1 today, 2nd trimester on Friday!

I'll make the thread if I'm the first one over there :)

Sounds good :)

I had a scare last night.

We dtd and not long after I hadn't a very bright right, fairly large bleed.
I panicked so much. Called triage, who were lovely but obviously couldn't help me but i just wanted to know who to speak to as I was still bleeding. So phoned 111 who told me to go to ED. 3.5hrs later I'm sent away and given a scan on Tuesday at the EPU. I'm considering cancelling it as my 12 week scan is Wednesday am but I can't get hold of the unit now it's the bh weekend and I just feel like I'm wasting their time.

I've have brown blood today when wiping and a couple of sharp twinges on my right side, down low where the ovary is.
I'm fearing and trying to prepare myself for the worst news :(
Don't think I've ever been this scared in my life.
Week 13 so yeah should be a few ladies there by now!

How many weeks are you, Sparky Mum?

12+1 today, 2nd trimester on Friday!

I'll make the thread if I'm the first one over there :)

Sounds good :)

I had a scare last night.

We dtd and not long after I hadn't a very bright right, fairly large bleed.
I panicked so much. Called triage, who were lovely but obviously couldn't help me but i just wanted to know who to speak to as I was still bleeding. So phoned 111 who told me to go to ED. 3.5hrs later I'm sent away and given a scan on Tuesday at the EPU. I'm considering cancelling it as my 12 week scan is Wednesday am but I can't get hold of the unit now it's the bh weekend and I just feel like I'm wasting their time.

I've have brown blood today when wiping and a couple of sharp twinges on my right side, down low where the ovary is.
I'm fearing and trying to prepare myself for the worst news :(
Don't think I've ever been this scared in my life.

Omg. I have light pain in my lower stomach today. I’m quite on edge as never experienced them. Do you think it’s anything to worry about? Do you think it anything for hospital? Don’t know really what to do.
Oh Summer poor you :(
Sex is safe during pregnancy maybe you just irritated your cervix a little?
I have a scan Tuesday too at 8:40am, will we be there together? :)
Pain & twinges are fairly common in pregnancy as your muscles are relaxing & everything is stretching.
Pains are normal, Charlotte. It's just your womb expanding.
Call your midwife if they become unbearable though.
Week 13 so yeah should be a few ladies there by now!

How many weeks are you, Sparky Mum?

12+1 today, 2nd trimester on Friday!

I'll make the thread if I'm the first one over there :)

Oh Summer poor you :(
Sex is safe during pregnancy maybe you just irritated your cervix a little?
I have a scan Tuesday too at 8:40am, will we be there together? :)

Yeah I did wonder that as a couple of time it was a bit painful (I let DH know that for sure :rofl:) so maybe it was that who knows. But cuz it was bright red and a lot of it I just panicked.

I'll feel like I'm wasting their time on tuesdayy but I think I need to know and sooner the better.

I'm booked in for 845 so we will certainly be there together! Xx
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I'd panic too, it's understandable, but with the timing I wouldn't be too worried, if it was random and 'unprovoked' I'd be more concerned. x

I'll be thinking of you :)
I'd panic too, it's understandable, but with the timing I wouldn't be too worried, if it was random and 'unprovoked' I'd be more concerned. x

I'll be thinking of you :)
I which u can have my scan at 12W not 13W but godda go on stupid holiday. :(
I'd panic too, it's understandable, but with the timing I wouldn't be too worried, if it was random and 'unprovoked' I'd be more concerned. x

I'll be thinking of you :)

Id not thought of it like that, Thankyou :thanks:
Does she know about the baby yet? Or is she too young to understand x
hi everyone. now 9 weeks 2 days along. had a reasurance scan yesterday and all is well :) got bad backache today and feeling very full low down . and still been feeling shocking! lol olso everytime i sneeze or move a certain way it feels like part of ny inside is been ripped apart lol.anyone else.?
hi everyone. now 9 weeks 2 days along. had a reasurance scan yesterday and all is well :) got bad backache today and feeling very full low down . and still been feeling shocking! lol olso everytime i sneeze or move a certain way it feels like part of ny inside is been ripped apart lol.anyone else.?

I am 10W+3D today, and i have felt totally disgusting today too. I have had real bad backache to the point i cant sit down! Been sick today also, been very cold and i cant wait to get in bed tonight, been extremly tired today. :(
awful isnt it :( just want some enegy cant even tydy up. can hust about manage to get in bath lol just want to be in bed all day sleep the 1st teimaster away :( i olso now have a due date of 29th march instead of 30th lol if u want to change it summergirl.??

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