*****March 2019 Mummies*****

Hello, I can't remember who is who.. I need a key or something :rotfl: I keep forgetting to come in here
Wish I could help Chase, I'm not in the group!

Found bambino on the doppler last night for the first time :)
Can't find him/her again this morning though, they must have a secret hidey hole.
That lovely you found a heart beat!
Really low mood today 😒 have had depression and anxi ty in past and suffered a little in previous pregnancies. Husband bit worried. Been a hard day.
Anyone else suffering from low mood? Xx
Yay for finding the heartbeat sparky.

Awe minchin, I haven't suffered from depression or low mood but am currently suffering anxiety and I have been off work since April with it. When I went to my booking in appt with my midwife I explained it all to her and she asked me if she could refer me to the prenatal mental health team, is this something you can ask your midwife to do for you?
I get depressive blips now and then but not had one since being pregnant. I know how it feels. My way of coping is playing videogames, gives me a (albeit false) sense of achievement but it makes me feel better x
Hi ladies, thanks for your replies. sorry to hear you’re off work with anxiety. Anxiety sucks 😔 good you have a link to a mh team.
I think I’ll email the midwife just to let her know. Felt better by evening. Husband made roast chicken and we watched greatest showman with the boys.

Boys were so good yesterday playing and helping in garden whilst I just spent a lot of the day crying in bed!!
Feel much more stable this morning so fx for a better day.

What’s everyone up to?
Oh bless you. It's awful isn't it. I used to hate it when I would cry but 'nothing is wrong'. I felt so silly but we all do it, at least your hubby understands and you're being looked after xx

Not doing much today, DD has constipation but you'd think the world was ending. Looking like a hot water bottle and blanket on the sofa day x
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We went public yesterday, we were gonna wait until after the scan but we figured everyone knows anyway and we're pretty much there x
Oh did you put your photos online? Is it nice now everything’s out in the open?
Yeah everyone was so surprised it was amazing. They all seem so happy for us which is lovely, and it's nice that people can be a bit more understanding now! They'll stop inviting me out to drink so I can stop lying to get out of it haha!
Aw!!! Exciting you’ve gone public!!
I’m not sure if I’ll do a Facebook update after our scan, will wait and see!

It’s really horrible when you feel so overwhelmed by crazy emotions. Husband so good. Feeling so much better now but I can be certain that this is going to be an emotional journey for me! That’s if F.C. everything is ok at scan on Friday! Only 4 days to go!

Hope ur dd constipation eases!

We are going blackberry picking this afternoon (free, fun and I can make food from it! Win win!)
Ooh I’d be going for an apple and blackberry crumble...

I’m sat at home whilst a decorator puts up wallpaper downstairs. I can never work out what to do with myself when workmen are here. Don’t wanna sit down and do nothing, but equally I’ve got no housework to do...
Have some chill-out time!
Make your baby wish list if you haven't x
Ah I’m far too superstitious for that. I’ve settled for cleaning the inside of the washing machine instead :lol:
Ah I’m far too superstitious for that. I’ve settled for cleaning the inside of the washing machine instead :lol:


Isnt that the worst job ever, although my hubby bought an amazing product the other day and our washing machine is now gleaming :dance:

Wow we need a life :lol:
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Ah I’m far too superstitious for that. I’ve settled for cleaning the inside of the washing machine instead :lol:


Isnt that the worst job ever, although my hubby bought an amazing product the other day and our washing machine is now gleaming :dance:

Wow we need a life :lol:

My colleagues tell me that my gleaming house is proof I need a baby. Apparently I have too much time on my hands :lol:
Haha Akua!
Ok now I need to research cleaning washing machine!!

We didn’t get a massive haul of blackberries as it’s been so dry I think? Enough for a pie but 5 year old wants to make jam so we’ll have to reach a compromise !!
Ah I’m far too superstitious for that. I’ve settled for cleaning the inside of the washing machine instead :lol:


Isnt that the worst job ever, although my hubby bought an amazing product the other day and our washing machine is now gleaming :dance:

Wow we need a life :lol:

My colleagues tell me that my gleaming house is proof I need a baby. Apparently I have too much time on my hands :lol:

It makes you wonder if keeping a house gleaming will be manageable when a baby comes along :shock: :lol:

I have ocd, so i know this will have to relax somewhat when the baby comes along :lol:

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