*****March 2019 Mummies*****

Sparky- it goes crazy fast!! I am 13 weeks tomorrow!! I'm slowly starting to feel like myself again. Annnnd I have definitely popped!

Left picture is from 2 weeks ago, the right is from today <3 What do all your bumps look like?!


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Oh my gosh, Heather! Your bump is adorable <3
Mine is attached, second baby so a bit more saggy than yours haha.

I did a gender prediction test today (purely for shits and giggles, I'm a curious kitty)


If anyone else does one let me know what result you got and most of all, if it was right!

I got mine here if anyone wanted to know

I'm obviously skeptical, but a woman of science always experiments!


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Oh wow heather, you most certainly have popped.
Sparky cute bump too!!
I'm very jealous of your bumps. I'm on the bigger side so you can tell at the minute but I can defo telll. To other I just look like I've piled on a few lbs :rofl:

I got my letter today with my 12weekmscam date. Thankfully it's before the BBQ we have planned to tell everyone!
We have it on the 29th at 810 so thankfully no waiting around all day too!
hiya all. im now 7 weeks 2 days and my boobs are agonizing:( i feel so sick 24hrs a day and im just exhaisted i was like this with my little girl but mot my little boy ! help!!!! lol
Oh it&#8217;s just the worst isn&#8217;t it Lauren. Hoping you have a good day coming soon x
Hi ladies
I’ve been on hols for a few weeks and been quiet on here! Had sickness last two weeks and the tiredness comes and goes! Hols been great but quite tiring with the boys! Spain was mega hot too!

Got my scan date, next Friday when I’m
Exactly 12 weeks.

No sickness last time with my two boys so maybe it’s a girl?! Bit nervous for scan as ever !!

Hope everyone is doing ok x
Hello, due date buddy!
Glad you had a nice holiday :)
I can't believe we are nearly 2nd triers!

How are you feeling other than the sickness?
Do your boys know about baby yet? :)
It kinda died in here everyone's in the Facebook group, I'm not joining it until we've gone public x
I still check in here sparky. It is crazy how we're so close to that second tri.

Glad you had a good hols Minchin.

The 12week scans must be starting soon for everyone!
I&#8217;m still here too!

9+3 for me today
Seems to be going quite quick really &#129310;

My eldest (7) knows but not the 4 year old. We told the eldest in a v low key way, he asked why I was off alcohol when we were In Spain! &#128558; just said we think there is a baby but still not 100% and we will know in a few weeks.

Feels like am now Counting hours to scan date !!!

Would also like to join the Facebook group but will wait til am official
At least there's a couple of us left :)

Feels like forever since my 8w scan and forever until my 12w one!
Really dragging now. Need to see that healthy progression!
Yup. I&#8217;ve still got 20 days til my 12 week scan... feels like ages away
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Hopefully it will
Be here
Before you know it!

My last week off school
For summer hols
Next week so don’t really want to wish it away!!!
Enjoy your last week off minchin.
Do you have many plans?

I woke up yesterday feeling so down and panicking about them not finding a heartbeat at my 12 week scan. Even though the chances are slim as the heartbeat was there at 8+2 I'm still so worried :( the 29th cannot come quick enough!

Got a day out with DD today at a community fun day where there will be bouncy castles, which she hates :rofl: should be fun!

What's everyone else up to?

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