*****March 2019 Mummies*****

That’s one up side to the nausea.... I’ve gone totally off chocolate. Don’t think I’ve eaten any since I’ve got my bfp. I have eaten my weight in beige food though. Breadsticks, bread, crisps, crumpets.... yeah. I don’t even want to weigh myself.

I get asked all the time if I’m pregnant. My last mc was very well known about at work (I got admitted to my own ward and apparently gossip travels fast) so I get asked all the time if I’m pregnant. Even an innocent comment I make like ‘oh I’ve got a headache’ or ‘ugh I’m so tired’ is always followed by someone assuming that means I’m pregnant.

I don’t like to lie as I don’t want to ‘jinx’ anything (yes I know that’s not a thing but I’m a worrier!) so I tend to just reply with “let’s not start that rumour...” and that’s normally enough to shut people up. If not I just say “why, are you saying I look fat?!” Which tends to shut up even the rudest of my colleagues.
We decided to tell as soon as the second scan showed everything was fine. Good job too. Today I popped. There’s no hiding this pregnancy now. Before, when people asked about baby number 2 I’d tell them we hoped it would happen soon.
I think if people saw me in my own clothes they’d struggle to be put off the scent. I’m huge today, although I know it’s all just bloat. Luckily I wear scrubs at work and they’re like wearing big comfy pjs where you can’t see what shape I am underneath
Akua love the comment about looking fat :rofl:

I'm jealous. I still haven't popped. Still gotta lift my top belly fat up to see the bump. Can't wait for it to just be there :)

What's everyone's plans today?

I'm not sure what to do with DD.
have to pick up my sick note at some point (hoping it's ready!!) and go to the shop so nothing exciting for her. I may go and get her come crafty bits and have a bit of a craft afternoon. She loves stickers so that'll be easy!

I really don't want to go out walking again today. My calves are so sore from the last two days.
Hey ladies

I've not been online for the last week.

7+1 today, still minimal symptoms which really makes me nervous. Still not spoken to a midwife yet, waiting for a call. How long should I leave it before getting in touch and nudging them?

I've finally caved and booked a private scan which is on 16th August, couldn't wait until 12 weeks to know what's happening in there. Convinced myself it won't progress and then dreamt last night that we found out the gender. :-)

How is everyone?
EB I'd give them a call and just ask again. I know your appt can be anywhere from 8-10weeks though. I have my mw appt tomorrow where I'll be 9 weeks.

Don't worry about having no symptoms. I have hardly any either. Tender nipples and a bit of back ache but other than that I feel ok so don't go worrying about that, some call us the lucky ones :)

How exciting you have an early scan booked. they really are so reassuring and makes you feel a little more relaxed. At my early scan on Friday she told me the risk of a miscarriage is greatly reduced now that we've seen the heartbeat and it's growing as it should be. Such a relief.

I'm doing ok today, it's another hot one here. Got some back ache today but I think that's because 1. I'm overweight and 2. I was in bed from 830 last night and didn't get up until 8 this morning. Too long laying down!

What are you up to today?
I’m eight weeks today!

Scan tomorrow. If that goes okay I might let myself start to get a little bit excited.

No real plans today, but it’s my day off. Might just relax and read a book, but I have a whole lot of cleaning I should be getting on with. I’m so anxious about tomorrow I’m struggling to settle to anything
Ahhh that's good to hear Summergurl re the symptoms. This is my first time pregnant so feels really nerve wracking not knowing what is good and what is bad!! You don't get prepped for that level of anxiety do you. :-)

I've had a bit of nipple tenderness on and off, and very occasionally feel a little queasy but not much. Tired too but that's not that unusual for me.

I'm also overweight - would have liked to have shifted some weight before falling pregnant but not that easy to plan so, just have to hope I can stay healthy and eat good stuff, sadly I am a chocolate fiend though!!! Really hope I get an aversion to it. haha

Where on earth can I find a list of everything I'm going to need for baby? It's so daunting and overwhelming...there's so much stuff, and pushchairs ranging from £300 - £1,500!! I have no idea where to start planning.

I'm at work today but in honesty since my BFP by mind has been anywhere but work.
What's the FB group called? Am I allowed to join please?

EB I've got my eye on a 3 in 1 pushchair/pram on eBay brand new for £97.
Cheaper options are out there :)
EB Selly is the fb group admin. It’s a secret group so you won’t be able to find it until she opens it up. We’re all really worried about outsiders seeing what we’re posting.
EB86 - I’ll temporarily change fb group from secret to closed, so you can find. Let me know if you still can’t find it xxx
Hello ladies, not been on for a while. Having a pretty rough time with sickness and nausea, I'm on anti sickness medication which was working but not so much now. Just makes me really sleepy. Those of you with no sickness are really lucky, I miss being able to eat normally.
Sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough time mirror. Here’s hoping it all eases soon.
EB86 - I’ll temporarily change fb group from secret to closed, so you can find. Let me know if you still can’t find it xxx

I think I've found you. :-) I've just asked to join, it's Emily Bratby.

We had our pregnancy announcement photo shoot today!
We aren't posting the photos until after the 12 week scan but here they are :)


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Great pics sparky. You really are good getting all this planned and done before saying anything. I’ve always really wanted to do a cool pregnancy announcement but got too excited and just blurted it out.

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