*****March 2019 Mummies*****

Haha sparky I had that with DD. At my 12 week scan they made me go and do half a wee. It was the worst feeling :rofl:

I have my private scan on Friday morning. I am so excited but also so so nervous xx
Let us know how it goes!
Excited for you, I'm already counting down the days to my 12 week scan xD
(4 weeks today)
Exciting stuff. Did you get your 12 week scan date through pretty quickly? Xx
I’m going to see an old friend from work tomorrow. We always end up spending pretty much the entire day together just chatting, catching up, reminiscing and bitching :lol: Her daughter loves lo so free babysitter too. I’ll probably need Thursday to recover!
Haha I love it when you have friends with kids who basically look after your kid :rofl:
It’s wonderful. Her mum is usually there too. I pretty much don’t have to worry about him for the whole day.
Oh no Frankenstein Get your head down and hopefully it’ll pass.
Exciting stuff. Did you get your 12 week scan date through pretty quickly? Xx

Had my midwife appointment later the same day, she booked my 12 week scan, 16 week appointment and 27 week appointment then and there!
Hello ladies �� hope all of you are doing well �������� I just had an early scan . Heard the heartbeat �� but for lest than seconds as she was so in hurry duno why!! I went to a private place & paid for the scan . Unfortunately she didnt even told me the size of the baby. Just a random check that there is one & thats it . So I’m planning to re do it in 2 weeks maybe. I’m 7 weeks today. I couldn’t wait any longer so i went today.
Just wanted to share it with you ��
Aw Rasha, congratulations. Tbh the early measurements aren’t very accurate. It’s a shame that she was in a hurry, especially when you’re paying for it. It’s nice to see though huh.

I finally got my booking appointment through. I’ll be 11 weeks! The team that do the midwife led unit won’t do a home birth in my area, they’d have to switch me to a different team. If then I needed a hospital I’d end up at my least preferred place that’s awkward to get to. Think I might just go with the unit.
Aw Rasha thats rubbish she was in a hurry especially as it's such a big deal to you!
Got my early scan on Monday and spoke to the midwife today who has sorted my booking in appt for the 14th.

Excited and nervous and anxious all at once!x
Aw Rasha, congratulations. Tbh the early measurements aren’t very accurate. It’s a shame that she was in a hurry, especially when you’re paying for it. It’s nice to see though huh.

I finally got my booking appointment through. I’ll be 11 weeks! The team that do the midwife led unit won’t do a home birth in my area, they’d have to switch me to a different team. If then I needed a hospital I’d end up at my least preferred place that’s awkward to get to. Think I might just go with the unit.

Aw Hayz , better not to end up with the least prefered team as your psychological status is more important than anything else.
Had a long chat with hubby last night. We’ve decided to abandon the idea of a home birth. He thinks that keeping the house tidy enough for a midwife will be too stressful :rotfl:
Haha hayz very true :rofl:

I forgot how much you need to pee in the first tri, I guess your body is getting you used to waking up at all hours :roll:
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I'm the same, up all night peeing but it's not as bad throughout the day, or maybe it just doesn't feel as bad.

I'm 9 weeks today, into the third month I gooo!

Can't believe in another 3 weeks I'm in the second trimester!

Feels mad doesn't it?!?

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