*****March 2019 Mummies*****

Not gonna lie, I’m a bit over all this vomiting and nausea.

I said I’d never moan if I got pregnant again but I’ve totally had enough and have done a hell of a lot of unashamed moaning. I literally can’t eat anything without incessant gagging and nausea after. I’m struggling at work and I’ve even had to cancel my overtime shift today when I could have really done with the pennies
Awe hope you feel better soon Akua.

I had my early scan this morning. All good. Lovely heartbeat & she has measured baby as 8+3, so a day ahead to what I thought but she said take the date from the 12 week scan as it's more accurate.

Also had to have a vaginal one as my bladder wasn't full enough :roll:
Another good scan here too. I’m 8+5 and bubby even gave us a wave. It was so lovely to see.
Aww so glad Hayz :)
I had mine at 8+3 and I barely saw baby move!
Just the heartbeat haha

Akua I hope you find some relief soon.
Aw congratulations sparky. The heartbeat is the important bit. Ds didn’t move on his scan so I was really surprised by this one.
Sorry Summer I totally missed your reply!

Glad your scan went well, but sorry the dildo cam got you haha
You know, I’m kinda gonna miss the dildo cam :rotfl:
I see from your signature you had a donor, I was a donor last year :)
Aw Sparky, such a lovely thing to do. It’s people like you that make people like me very happy and grateful. I know it’s not a nice procedure either. Thank you x
It wasn't so bad!
My recipient had her baby last month and all I want to do is send her flowers but we're not allowed to know each other.
It sucks!
How I shall everyone doing today?

I've been out all day. Will regret that later as we're off to a BBQ this evening when all I want to do now is sit in my jammies on the sofa xx
I’ve had a three hour siesta and I’m still tired :lol: plus still generally nauseated. But that’s not new now.

Went to town to try and find some new summer dresses that fit over my new pregnant boobs. No luck. So I think I might just walk around naked until the heat wave ends.

This group is a lot quieter now. Are you all on the new fb page instead?
Akua I think there’s about 8 of us in the fb group. It’s really nice and supportive and so much easier to follow what’s going on. I’m with you on the siesta. Was supposed to be having a day out with Thomas the tank engine but after going out for breakfast have just been sleeping ever since. I’m so tired.

I’m still waiting for my boobs to come in :lol:
I’m still waiting for my boobs to come in :lol:

You can have some of mine. I have more than enough to share :lol:

I’m feeling very guilty today about my diet. With this nausea it’s just a case of what I can face eating. Which a lot of the time is bread or something potato based, or jelly. I’ve never eaten so much jelly in my life but it stays down so it’s become a dietary staple for the days when nothing else works. My head really wants to eat all these healthy foods, but even the thought of my favourite healthy paella makes me vom at the mo, never mind trying to eat the thing
Oh I know that feeling. I know what I should be eating but most of the time I end up with carbs.
Carb City here too. It's all I want but it makes me feel so sick afterwards.
I'm with you all too on the diet front. Trying to hard to stay with the healthy foods but bread and potatoes and chocolate just call me allllllll day :rofl: midwife is not going to be happy with my weight on Tuesday :roll:
Anyone else getting constant questions about having baby number 2?

In the last week I have been asked by 4 different people :roll: I hate lieing but it's really none of their damn business and so I'm just saying oh I don't know haven't really thought about it blah blah blah then I feel like I'm going to jinx it for lieing!

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