EB Id be surprised if it was a false positive this far along. Try and relax. I know waiting is awful.
Sparky where abouts are you? Weve not even had a hint of rain in north east Hampshire. Id really love a good storm to take the heat out of the air. Weve had a few forecast but the day before theyre due they disappear from the predictions. Your dd sounds gorgeous. What a little sweetheart.
Not got much planned. Tilting around the new bath and hubby is finishing off a new plant pot for me, not that this is the best weather to be putting new plants in. Swimming with ds2 on Sunday which is lovely, not that I go in anymore, its a hydro pool so 36 degrees which is apparently too warm for pregnancy. Im struggling to lift him anyway now so Im happy watching hubby go in.
Chase, I love that baby grow. Im really fond of that style - fewer poppers always makes life easier. I wish I could make things. I actually have a sewing machine, just no idea on how to even thread the blooming thing lol