*****March 2019 Mummies*****

I have my first midwife appointment today. My hips are really aching and I thought i’d Escaped nausea! It’s back with a vengeance lol

I like old fashioned names
Boys - Teddy, Eddie, Woody
Quite like the ‘ie’ endings too haha
I find girls names harder
I love Isla,
Hubby hasn’t really thought about it
I reckon it’s going to be a hard decision!
I would say if hubby hasn't thought about it then you decide :rofl:
How did your midwife appt go Frankenstein?

Hayz, how old is DS?
DD has taken to hitting also ATM and I'm trying everything to get her out of it but she won't let up :mad:
He’s 18months. It’s currently the only time he hits me. Although he does try to kick me off the sofa. He thinks it’s hilarious. I’m less impressed. I don’t want to squash his sense of fun but I’d really like it to not hurt. He has no idea that it’s not fun for me. It’s a work in progress. I’m not going to allow myself to be battered by my kid. Luckily he’s still small so there’s time.
It’s 37 degrees at work today. No fans or air con. Thick uniform. Not helping my nausea
Congrats EB so happy for you!

@Hayz I'm in Lincolnshire. Storm & showers through the night, was dark and cloudy all morning but boiling again now!
I just managed to find enough motivation to go to the shops and as I was strapping ds into the car I got drenched!! It’s calmed down a bit now but I’m hoping it lasts a while. Then maybe there’ll be no need for the extra fans that I couldn’t find today.
We've had a miserable day too here in Plymouth.

Akua work does not sound found for you at all today! What time do you finish?
We've had a miserable day too here in Plymouth.

Akua work does not sound found for you at all today! What time do you finish?

We do 8 - 20:30. On my feet the whole time. It peaked at 41 degrees. No air con. It’s been great :lol:
Week 8 today, and it's like everything has gone 'ding' and eased off.
Much more energy, sickness is leaving & appetite increasing; now if only my RLS would bugger off that'd be great! xD
My goodness akua what do you do?
That's a ridiculously high temp, make sure you're drinking plenty etc. I bet if you went outside it'd have been cooler!

Happy 8 weeks sparky. What's RLS?
Glad you're feeling a little less nauseous.
Ooh Sparky my Dad has that. It’s nasty. Do you get it all the time or just in pregnancy?

Akua, that job sounds like a nightmare.

Well I was reminded today that it’s our 20th anniversary next month. We’ve managed to get dd into a respite centre for a couple of days (she loves it there) so I’ve just booked a nice hotel for us and the lo. It’ll be our first holiday with ds2. Only 2 nights but a lovely country hotel. So looking forward to it. So despite the fact I’m sat on the sofa in my pyjamas it actually feels like quite a productive day.
I get it now and then normally but it's so much worse when I'm pregnant.
Chase love that baby grow!

I've never heard of itchy shins :rofl:

Hayz you made me tear up. You're so right. The little humans in us need attention, time and love too. It is all too easy to forget that you've got to have time for you. I am certain if my DD wanted something or someone to play with she would most certainly let me know!

Sparky your DD sounds so sweet. Send her my way, my DD likes to just pile toys on my head when I lay down :rofl:

Aweee congrats EB! :)

Oh god names! We are really stuck this time around.
Last time we had DD name from the moment we found out and had a boys name a little while later.

This time we just cannot agree.
I love Penelope-Jane, Ivy-Jane, Xanthe-Jane. DH hates Penelope and isn't fond of the other two either.

Boys I love Freddie & Reggie and again DH is a bit meh on them!

I've got to have a name that is a y or ie sound at the end and the girls name has to be hyphenated with Jane. Picky much?! :):roll:

I googled (nhs website) and apparently itchy skin in general is a thing and shins are common! Apparently if it's severe though can be a liver problem. Who knew! Luckily It died down!

My vote goes for penelope-jane, very cute! Abby-Jane?
Sorry for the spam posts girls just catching up. Was at a wedding all day yesterday.
Was a lovely day but soooo hot. I mean everyone was sweating but I actually felt like my core temp was through the roof!
Hardest day so far as I was hot, knackered and trying to hide the fact I wasn't drinking! Poor hubs ended up rather drunk covering for me Haha!

Was hard work but just made sure I always had a drink in my hand (kept a glass of wine from dinner) and then bought a lemonade which everyone just assumed was vodka which was good! Hardest bit was avoiding the shots as I'm normally a fiend for them so I really thought our friends would notice haha!

Think I got away with it and now lounging on the sofa!

Hope you ladies are having a nice Saturday x
Hello ladies,

So much has been said I can't keep up with who is experiencing what!

Either way I hope your all OK?

Summergurl - going by my dates I'd be due 31st March I think, I'm 4wks 6days today. I'll probably end up overdue though as both my other kiddies where lol.

I still don't have any symptoms of pregnancy. I do feel a little nauseous today, but I think a ate something dodgy last night as I woke in the night with the squits!

I had bloods taken in Thursday to determine pregnancy as a second test at the doctors came back negative :( won't get the results til Monday though. Such a long time to wait, I'm so nervous x

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Sparky mum, I get restless legs every now and then too. And remember how intense it got with my last pregnancy :( praying it doesn't increase this time!

My little boy also gets it, he's only 5 years and it's awful to see him so upset :(

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My goodness akua what do you do?
That's a ridiculously high temp, make sure you're drinking plenty etc. I bet if you went outside it'd have been cooler!

I work in a hospital. It’s a very old building that seems to retain the heat. There’s no air con and the windows don’t open so at the moment it’s pretty brutal. All the equipment was going weird in the heat :lol:
Oh dear, Akua. Someone should be carrying out a risk assessment!

baby.3 it's awful isn't it? I remember when DD was born, I got way more sleep with her as a newborn than when I was pregnant with her!

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