******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Cakey if you are worried then go to A&E. Don't don't feel guilty. You don't know what's going on in there and you need to. Follow your instinct mothers instinct is very powerful and you already have it. Sod work they should understand and if they don't then tough shit because you are protected by law they can't touch you. The sooner you get answers the sooner you will feel better. The stress you are going through by not knowing is not good for you or the baby. Please get help you shouldn't feel guilty you have tried to get reassurance and you aren't getting it so fight for the treatment you are entitled to. Thinking of you tonight xx
And as for listening to you I know what you are going through I joined this site to get and give support we are all here for each other. Seriously Hun I'm not going to bed tonight until I Know you are ok. Pm me if you want to I'll be keeping an eye out xxx
Oh gosh I welled up when I read your post. Thank you so much you wonderful lady.
I've decided to go and get some sleep and then make my decision in the morning. I have to be up at 7 for work so it gives me plenty of time to get to the EPU if I need to. I've also promised my OH that if it's worse during the night or I get any pain I'll tell him so we can go to A&E. I will update you in the morning, please go to bed now as that's where I'll be going now. Thank you so much, I really hope that your spotting has stopped for good now. Xxx
Well I feel rather good this morning. Slept really well despite OH getting home from work just before 2am and thinking it's ok to start a conversation lol x
Praying everything is ok today with all of you x

i.love yes the 27th is my due date from dating scan how far along were you at your dating scan? x
So I went to work because I'm silly and hate letting them down but now I've just asked to go home because I just can't cope being there. I rang the midwives again who fobbed me off so I'm going to try a different hospital. I had such a horrendous nights sleep and I just can't keep feeling guilty.
I really hope all you girls are okay xxxxx
Finally being taken seriously. I have an emergency appointment with a doctor and I'm hoping that I'll get some reassurance and that they may talk to EPU themselves xxx
Thank you for all the support, especially you Rhondalou. When's your reassurance scan? Xxx
Tomorrow at half 2. I haven't had any more spotting since Monday still got all the symptoms and still gearing a heart beat on the doppler so I don't think I have anything to worry about. Doesn't stop you from worrying though does it lol. What time is your appiontment?x
Thats good then :) let me know how it goes. At 5, but they told me not to eat and I'm starving lol. Xx
Oh bless you. I couldn't go that long without good I'd be tearing my own hair out lol x
The worst was my OH offered to pick up McDonald's on his way home! :( lol. Xx
All is fine. Doctor says it's probably cervical erosion and to make me feel better he got a doppler out and found babys heartbeat straight away. The relief is just overwhelming. Thank you girlie's for being so wonderful xxxxxxxx
Yes!! I'm so pleased for you. I have used my doppler everyday and found the heart beat everyday and it does help while I wait for the scan. You can go and enjoy your macdonalds now lol xxx
Thank you both :) I had no luck with my doppler and he said please don't worry if I can't find it because it is still early and then found it straight away! My OH just beamed but he said that's because it was so good to see me smile again. Just got my fingers tightly crossed for you for tomorrow Rhondalou :) xxxx

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