******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Omg scan day has arrived... im so excited but also nervous at the same time!! My scans not till this afternoon. Ive just finished work so oh is taking me out for brunch :) its also my birthday tomorrow so exciting few days for us. Wish us luck please xxx
Good luck with ur scan and happy birthday for tomoro :)
Good luck charlotte :) 13 days till my scan. I cant wait xx
Hi all

Scan pic as my profile pic :)

Lazy baby was asleep so they had me doing all sorts of weird manoeuvres! Totally not what I was expecting but really funny

Hey there

Can someone put me down as the 31st please? I've been lingering between here and April mummies as have been unsure of dates but scan yesterday puts my edd as the 31st. (Pretty sure I'll be an April mummy tho!)
Hello mummy 13 congrats on ur pg .

I guess most people are into there tri2. Can't wait to get into tri2 looking back now I think tri1 has gone quickly.
Hello. My EDD is listed as the 16th on page one, but I had my scan (picture's on page 64) and my EDD is now 12th. Could you change it, please? :D Thank you. :D
Yeah its gone very quiet in here :( how are all the late March mums doing?
busy on the computer looking at push chairs - having had two kids I have had a few….I am now sure the perfect pram doesn't exist haha So many other things I could be doing but tonight prams it is :)
Can't believe I will be leaving Tri 1 on Tuesday/Wednesday. Its all going so fast!!!
It's quiet cause lots of lady's have already moved to Tri2 can't wait roll on Tues x
Hi all scan day for me tomorrow :). Really excited. Technically by lmp and by last scan I'm 13 weeks today so should be joining the tri 2 girls. But as tomorrow's scan could change that (although I doubt it, the last one was less than 2 weeks ago) I'll stick with you for now if you will have me xxx
Has anyone elses sickness come back? Mine has and ive not had any since roughly wk 7 :eek:\ wasnt expecting a reappearance! x
Hello. Newbie here.
I'm due March 23rd, first pregnancy to get this far, given me some worry so far but I can't wait to meet my little fighter!

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