******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Cute looks like it's got it's hands behind it's head in the classic 'just chillin' pose x
I know! Considering it wouldn't settle, it decided on two occasions just to stop and have a kip! x

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I love these ultrasound scans they give babies a little personality of their own don't they lol. Ours was stretching and kept turning over into it's side with it's back to us. I kept thinking it takes after me because that's how I sleep or gosh just like it's dad the lazy tinker lol. It wouldnt get into the position they wanted it which means it definitely takes after it's dad. Lazy and ignoring what we say? Yep definitely Paul's child lol x
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Hello All !

I'm currently looking for some people to be involved in an online cooking video for a supermarket. The video will give pregnant women advice as to what they should be eating whilst with child, so an interest in cooking is a must!

If you are interested please private message me.

Look forward to hearing from you!


Hi ladies, I'm sorry I have been without Internet since 15th august, (we moved to our new house!) I need to catch up with what's been going on.

I went for my scan on Tuesday and we have a nice healthy baby and measuring a week ahead of my dates as expected so due date 17th march! Yay :)
Aww congrats Hun. I'm loving that so many if us are having great scan experiences xx
Had my 12 week scan today and baby was so wiggly! It was so lovely to see :) nearly all of us will be tri 2 soon won't we? Xxx
Great news Lanny!

We are one of the last ones to move - it's so quiet here now! When will you be moving? Officially I should be here until next Friday (and having my rescan on Thu) x
I'm not 14 weeks for ages but i've kinda sneaked over haha. Scan on Tues. Should be 13 +2. Can't wait
So when do we move to tri 2? I will be 12 weeks tomorrow (i think) but i will know for defo on thursday when i have my scan :)
I have been flicking between the two since week 13 think tri 2 starts half way through week 13 although I'm not 100% sure to he honest x
I think it starts at 13 weeks. That's when I was planning to move...
Next Wednesday for me then :) my due date got moved by 1 day lol xx
Everybody is leaving :( I will be talking to myself for the last few days in Tri1 :( :)
Are you the last tri 1 mummy Olya? Maybe your scan might put you earlier or later :)
Scan day tomorrow! I am looking forward to knowing my dates properly as I make me 12 +5, the midwife made me 11+5 and Emma's Diary made me 13+5! I used the NHS website to calculate my EDD so i am going by that till we know more tomorrow. Hope all you ladies are doing well. :)
Im still here tri 1. Im 12+4 so not into tri 2 accordin to this forum till week 14 but i always thought tri 2begun week 13. So i might pop between them both from next wed.
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