******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Good luck with the scan! I'm getting a bit of scan-jealously hehe, so long to wait till my next one!! :)
OH was adamant that we would wait until the 20th October for our 20 week scan to find out sex of the baby. I protested & was told to be patient and shut up :roll:

Well last night OH said, 'when can we find out the sex of the baby?'
I said 20th of October dear, he asked about a private scan... I said anytime from 16 weeks so in 2.5 weeks time- but your right we should wait another 49 sleeps until the 20th and find out then. His face dropped... Think I'll be booking a 16 week scan today lol!! :dance: :oooo:
Sounds eerily similar to the conversation I had with my OH hehe! I've always known he's secretly as impatient as I am :)
I just had my scan, as expected it was too early for the nuchal test, so I will be going back in 2 weeks. Oh well, I'm not complaining :) my official date is 27 March now.
Oops posted in wrong thread haha sorry!
Ive been awake awhile camt get back to sleep.. my friend had her baby in the early hours of this morning :) a little baby boy :boy: 8lb 10oz. Eekk i get newborn lovely cuddles later. Plus today is my dating scan.. :)
My scan isn't till the 17th :( ill be in tri 2 by then!
I had early scan and mine has been booked past 3weeks r so. This will also be my bookin in as in my hopsital they do everything at dating scan. Bit nervous. Had heard baby with doppler clearly sat and sun bit since monday icant seem to really find it. My dopplet foesnt seem to br as loud as it was so hoping its just that. Plus i have to go on my own. My Partner cant make it and my mum looks after my daughter while i work.
My little baby 11weeks today


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Aww, that's soooooo cute, what a lovely scan photo!!

I have my dating scan on the 15th. So excited, one week on Monday!! So close but yet so far!!!!
Aww, that's soooooo cute, what a lovely scan photo!!

I have my dating scan on the 15th. So excited, one week on Monday!! So close but yet so far!!!!

My scan on the 15th too Springbump :) Not long to wait now xx
4 more sleeps now until my scan :). Excited? Me? Nah xxx
hi ladies:) i've still got 2 weeks to wait for my scan as im just having dating not screening tests so they are in no rush, im dying to see little bean though, had a really weird bad feeling today, just cant wait to confirm they are ok. lovely scan pic there:)
Can someone add my scan date? I've to go back on 22nd sept and should be 12 weeks by then :) thank you
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I had my 12 week scan yesterday. My due date has now changed to 12th March. :D

2014-09-04 15.48.jpg
Think that's me updated all the scan dates now, let me know if I've missed any.

Great scan pics ladies, can't believe we're all moving over to Tri 2 now. It's been a very long Tri 1 for me xxx
Ooh it's so exciting everyone is getting their scans :) 1 week and 1 day for me! Unfortunately I have to work 7 days straight before it :( xxx

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