******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

A huge congrats and welcome to the new ladies.

Also yes my nausea dissappeared at round week 8 Ish then came back with a vengeance at around week 11. Luckily I haven't been sick with it at all. I'm going through the every smell makes me gag faze at the moment. I have to put my favourite perfume on my jacket cuff when I'm out incase I come across a smoker cos that really does it for me xxx
Good luck tomro for ur scan rhonda.. what time is it
Had scan all looks great my bleed has sorted itself out which I'm very pleased about and dates are spot on which I'm also very pleased about. So I'm officially 13+1 and in the second trimester. Yay I'm so happy xxx
Thanks. Now I'm home it seems like such a distant memory and yet it was only this morning lol x
Glad it went well hun. Onwards and upwards :)

How is everyone doing x
Kat13r we are due the same day and like you this is the furthest I have got! Dating scan tomorrow terrified!

That's brill Rhondalou bet you are so pleased!

My sickness went for 2 days last week them came back has made me more nervous for tomorrow roll on 3pm x
I hope it goes well for you tomorrow butterfly I'll be keeping my eyes open for a good news post :) xx
Kat13r we are due the same day and like you this is the furthest I have got! Dating scan tomorrow terrified!

That's brill Rhondalou bet you are so pleased!

My sickness went for 2 days last week them came back has made me more nervous for tomorrow roll on 3pm x

Ooh date buddy!

I had dating scan last week but came back at 11 weeks so going for my nt scan and blood tests tomorrow morning!

Can't wait to see the little wriggler again!
Thanks everyone

Kat - bump buddy!

I will let you know what happens appointment at 3pm don't think I can wait this long x
ahhhhhh im 12weeks tomoro.. love this little milestone. only family knw so we goin to announce our news next week on holidays,.cant wait :)
Hi can my due date be moved to 18th March please xxx
can my due date be moved to 27th March? I have got it changed in Tri2 but not here - Thanks x
I think its the person who has made the thread has to do it and possibly they havr moved to tri 2now so maybe they arent on here as much and dont see requests to change the info.
I think it was cosmo who started it think she's now a Feb mum to be x
My 12 week scan, in love x


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Aww Butterfly, lost my bump buddy!

I had my 12 week scan on Tuesday and I have a right wriggler on my hands! The little monkey would not lie still, was upright mostly! Gave us a wave, did a jump, hiccuped, was lovely!

All doing well anyway and still on for same EDD of 23rd
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