******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

14 weeks today so I have officially moved into try2 now but will still be lurking in here until all you lovely ladies move over too xxxx
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Chrissiecool must be great to move over hope I join you soon!

Good luck Mamamoo let us know how it goes, I have had spotting also and have my 12 week scan at 3pm next Tuesday soooo nervous xx
It sure is Butterfly, good luck for your scan hun and hope to see you over there soon xxxx
It feels weird over there without all my tri1 friends lol... I'll stay here for a bit longer :D and hop between the two! Can't wait til we're all safely in tri2!
I may have "accidently" won a doppler on ebay for a tenner :p whoops!
Well had my scan. Wee heartbeat flickering away rightly :) all delighted.

Although, I have been moved from 10+5 to 9+1. I've to go back again on 29th for another scan. I am very happy :D
I am so pleased for you!!! So glad it went well x

Can't wait to move to tri2 with you all x
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Is anyone still adding scan dates? Got the official dating scan 8th sept xx
Eek. Can't wait to get my scan date through :) 11w today! !
MamaMoo great news :) does it make you an April mummy now?...
I'm due 2nd April, but will still be a march mummy due to having an elective section. So baby will still be born week of 23rd march :)
Great news moo! So exciting seeing the little heartbeat isn't it? :) I'm so glad for you!
Thank you sweetheart. I cried lol. Silly emotionally mamamoo. I was just so relieved. Feel so privileged getting to see wee one so early on. Now looking forward to my 12 week scan to see babe again :D
I cried too! It's not silly at all :) my OH says I can have a gender scan at 16 weeks and I'm already so excited!
Oh wow fab!! We are finding out gender at the 20 week scan for sure. Gonna keep it to ourselves though for a wee surprise for families etc. it means we can be organised and get things in rather than leave til baby is born :)

Lol so glad you cried too hahahaha I felt like an eejit. But it was sooooooo good seeing that wee flickering light :D

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