What were your other results? HB HCT etc. One erranous result in isolation won't mean anything xxxJust got my blood results and my iron and mcv levels are really low, GP isn't open until Monday, should I wait until then to get some or would it be ok to buy some in the chemist?
What were your other results? HB HCT etc. One erranous result in isolation won't mean anything xxx
I'm 13+4 now and starting to feel like I'm getting my energy back. My cravings have faded I can eat chocolate again! But I'm still hungry all the time I guess it's true when they say it gets easier in the second trimester!
When does tri 2 start I have 2 diff apps on my phone 1 says im im tri 2 now im 13+1 and the other app says week 14 is tri 2? I have my scan Friday late due to oh being away till Thursday! Also I had a letter regarding my bloods I had taken at my booking appointment which says I haven't been vaccinated agains german measles.. I've spoke to both my parents who insist I definitely had the mmr vaccination! Very strange x
I have a scan tomorrow can't wait can't wait can't wait!