******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Just got my blood results and my iron and mcv levels are really low, GP isn't open until Monday, should I wait until then to get some or would it be ok to buy some in the chemist?
Aww glad you found the heart beat hope it's bought you some reassurance.

Sure iron tablets would be fine from the chemist take your results in see if they can help you with them. Having said that why pay if you get free scripts.

My oh had a bag if crisps today that smelt like some other crisps I haven't had in years the trouble is I don't know what they are but I do want them. I think my cravings are really kicking in now but I don't know what it is I want most of the time. I know I want it, I want it so bad and I want it now it's just I don't know what it is that I want. It's highly annoying for me even if it is amusing to oh x
Just got my blood results and my iron and mcv levels are really low, GP isn't open until Monday, should I wait until then to get some or would it be ok to buy some in the chemist?
What were your other results? HB HCT etc. One erranous result in isolation won't mean anything xxx
What were your other results? HB HCT etc. One erranous result in isolation won't mean anything xxx

HB was 100 and I don't see HCT on there but I had a note from MW telling me I needed Iron tablets as my levels were very low?

I just have circle around HB and MCV (70) and platelets which were 262?
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ooo thanks that does help, seems mine are lower than normal, guess I will have to get iron pills and I hate them as I am suffering from constipation already :(

oh really? might try those then thanks xx
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Yeah 100 is on the lower side for HB guess it depends where u are if they treat. Mine dropped to 103 last time but they wouldn't rx me anything ( I think it's supposed to be 110 though to give birth in a MW unit? )
Spa tone is amazing though. I was really sceptical but it upped my HB BY 15 in just 3m xx
Typing a relaxing post from the comfort of my serenity nursing chair. Anyone thinking about getting one- it's a god send! Soooo soothing with the rocking action. I've been in so much pain with my back today and it feels better just sitting in this xx
Just back from my 12 week scan, my risk of downs syndrome came in at 1 in 2100 so as I am 37 I was well pleased with that result, was lovely to see bean moving around and stretching out. 12 weeks 1 day today but still feeling so sick and tired, really need it to go away now, I am exhausted by 3pm!!
I'm 13+4 now and starting to feel like I'm getting my energy back. My cravings have faded I can eat chocolate again! But I'm still hungry all the time :) I guess it's true when they say it gets easier in the second trimester!
I'm 13+4 now and starting to feel like I'm getting my energy back. My cravings have faded I can eat chocolate again! But I'm still hungry all the time :) I guess it's true when they say it gets easier in the second trimester!

I'm glad your still posting here Hun! Feels strange going to TRI 2 and no ones there :-(
When does tri 2 start I have 2 diff apps on my phone 1 says im im tri 2 now im 13+1 and the other app says week 14 is tri 2? I have my scan Friday late due to oh being away till Thursday! Also I had a letter regarding my bloods I had taken at my booking appointment which says I haven't been vaccinated agains german measles.. I've spoke to both my parents who insist I definitely had the mmr vaccination! Very strange x
Charlotte I also find this confusing. Different websites suggest differently! I would go for 13 weeks and have 1 week less of waiting in scary Tri1 ;)
I have a scan tomorrow :) can't wait can't wait can't wait! :)
I have my scan today girls!!! I've got a mixed bag of emotions lol. I'm very excited to see babe moving and seeing heartbeat, but I'm also petrified incase well, incase there's nothing there! I've had days from week 6 where I've had pink discharge and some where I've had red blood. Not much red but it was still there. Midwife isn't too bothered by it as I've had no pain. But it's there in the back of my mind that something wrong.

Just cannot wait to get this scan later this afternoon :) excited and frightened at same time. Perfectly normal I'm sure :) will upload a pic tonight I'm sure. :D
When does tri 2 start I have 2 diff apps on my phone 1 says im im tri 2 now im 13+1 and the other app says week 14 is tri 2? I have my scan Friday late due to oh being away till Thursday! Also I had a letter regarding my bloods I had taken at my booking appointment which says I haven't been vaccinated agains german measles.. I've spoke to both my parents who insist I definitely had the mmr vaccination! Very strange x

TRI 2 starts at 13 weeks :)
Don't know why it's 14 weeks on here xxx

I have a scan tomorrow :) can't wait can't wait can't wait! :)

Ooooooh! So exciting! Can't believe I have to wait until the 20th of October to see my baby again :-(
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GF91 thanks :)

13 weeks - good! So only 2.5 weeks more here for me.

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