******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Yay got my scan date through today :) so excited! Xxxx
Just finished second coat of paint on nursery.... Eager beaver or what?!
I'm enjoying sorting out our nursery still sorting out what needs throwing away I stood at the window yesterday telling our baby this is your room and this is the view from your window. Anyone would think I'm mad lol x
13th September :) just 2 weeks! They charge 10 pounds a photo though :/ seems like a lot. Yours is soon isn't it Olya? Xx
I'm enjoying sorting out our nursery still sorting out what needs throwing away I stood at the window yesterday telling our baby this is your room and this is the view from your window. Anyone would think I'm mad lol x

My OH is the least DIY person ever. He hates painting and he hates flat pack furniture which, of course, all the nursery furniture is. I've only painted it magnolia then when we know the sex I'm just going to do either pink or blue accents, I.e curtains, inside of door, blankets, toys ect ect. I just thought if I started now I can do a little bit at a time. Baby may have to be delivered early, as I broke my back and pelvis and have damaged my hips so they dislocate all the time, I'm starting struggling now and I'm 13 weeks! Thought might aswell do it while I can still get down on the floor!
I have found a beautiful wallpaper it's got animals on it but in creams and beiges so still unisex then add pink or blue accents when we find out what we are having.

We already have a perfectly serviceable wardrobe in there so we are using that just need a small set of drawers. My mum and his dad will do the wallpaper and I will do the gloss work while Paul paints the stairs. We also have a carpet that's not new but perfectly fine so we don't have to spend a fortune on the room. If it lasts us 3 years we will redecorate as a toddlers room and have new carpet then.

I agree do it a bit at a time I have so much stuff to do it's scary but I do an hour a day and it's coming on nicely.

The only thing we haven't really sorted is a cot we will be using the family crib to begin with as Paul's grandad made it for his dad and it's perfectly safe and Paul and his brother used it so Paul wants it for this one. Personally I would rather get new straight away but it's what he wants. It won't last too long anyway it's only a small one for first few months xxx
Gosh I can't believe how much people have done/planned on nursery already! I have done absolutely nothing and bought nothing yet and I'm 14 weeks on Monday! We redecorated the room we are using about 18 months ago and its just got beige wallpaper up and a wooden floor so no real decorating to do, might just get a nice colourful border and new curtains and a couple of pics or something.

We keep saying lets start clearing this weekend (we have a lot of junk in there at the mo) but I never have enough energy and feel tight asking hubby to do things when I can't help! I know I shouldn't as I have a good excuse but I've always been one to get stuck in and finding it really strange.

Still waiting for the nesting instinct to kick in...
Aww niknaknoo you will get there. I have been struggling with finding the energy. I found I had lots of energy to begin with but it soon went away. In the first few weeks I was disinfecting everything and just couldn't sit still. Then the tirednesd and nausea kicked in so I just slept most of the time. But now my energy is increasing again.

Having said that I can't be bothered today. I have promised myself I will do one box after lunch then that's it. Got lots of stuff to take to charity shop when I go to pick him up from work so that will make a difference too x
I think my aversion to chocolate is wearing off... I'm really craving giant chocolate buttons!!!
We were in the supermarket yesterday all the way round every smell turned my stomach and I couldn't even look at some foods it was a nightmare. Then we got to the fruit and veg and I could smell something I didn't know what it was but I knew if wanted it I went through all the fruit and veg smelling everything until I found the carrots on the next isle. We paid for shopping and came home the first thing I did was peel a carrot and flop on the sofa no longer feeling ill. I told my mum and she laughed at me saying that behaviour gives more proof that I'm pregnant than any test or ultrasound scan x
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Hahaha that's amazing!! I'm glad you found your carrot! Did you buy every carrot in the shop? Lol!

Being pregnant is a funny thing isn't it...
I bought a huge bag of carrots I'm considering chopping some up now so I can graze on them. There are worse things to crave than carrots x
Definitely worse things. Like chocolate buttons lol :D

I keep going through phases so I'll be obsessed with a a certain food for a few days then go off it completely. I've learnt not to stock up on whatever I'm craving because the craving passes and then I have a load of stuff I don't want to eat lol :)
Yeah I'm like that I went mad at oh for eating my peanuts they were MY peanuts I bought then because I want them and I was looking forward to finishing them myself. Baby needs peanuts how dare you eat them. So he replaced them feeling bad. Now they make me feel sick just to look at the bag lol x
Having a mini panic attack. Im apart of a group from a previous pg and weve all stuck together since 2011 from our pg well a lady in it was due week before me.. turns out she went for private scan and wasnt good. She said deep now she knew something wasnt right and well i dont feel pg at all.. i cant help but feel to expect the same.. im worried now. I keep using the doppler daily (i knw its early but ive seen some people are lucky to hear early on) and all i can hear is the whooshing and my artery. No sound of the galloping horse or train. I think i just need to tale deep breaths and try not to worry. Waiting til wednesday will seem like forever now to get my scan.
Oh bless you it's scary sometimes isn't it. I thought I was picking something up on my doppler until midwife heard it and said no. Do you have a scan booked soon? Think that's the only way you gonna know for sure. I haven't always felt pregnant though some days I forget especially when I'm at work and busy and my colleagues have to shout at me to stop me doing something I shouldn't. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently xx
Breathe a massive sigh relief i HEARD HEARTHBEAT... thank god.. relieved and happy. I think with friend going thru her mc and having zero symptoms made me worry. I knw im lucky to have heard hb and some dont for another few weeks yet. Have it recorded. Yes scan booked for wed il be 11+1
I bet it was so lovely to hear the heartbeat :) good luck for your scan.

I drove my OH up the wall the other night. I was eating chicken noodle soup with granary bread and suddenly I had this massive urge for Irish stew and soda bread! I couldn't finish my dinner and put my head on the table saying "OMG I need it, I really need it, I'm going crazy." Lol. I was fine half an hour later but I've never craved something as badly as that in my entire life! Xxx

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