******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Hun if it comes high you can do a special blood test. I think it's called harmony test and it poses no risk to the baby, and gives a 98% accurate result. You can only get it privately in most areas and it's not cheap, but it's an option anyway.
Would any of you ladies be interested in our £5 e-gift card from Mamas and Papas? We don't especially need it and rather than waste it, thought we'd share with someone that could benefit using it
I got my NT results back yesterday and thankfully all were in the Low risk category. If I'd been in a higher risk group I think I'd have gone for the harmony test which is just another blood test and non invasive but it would just have been to be prepared. Xxx
I'm still waiting on the results from our NT test, they said they'd come in the post. Funny how different hospitals do it differently.

I'm off to work again today, still in a fair amount of pain. :( Hopefully the codeine will actually work because it seemed to do bugger all last night and my job involves a lot of standing up and walking around.
Aww no podpie sorry you are in pain :-(

Looked into the harmony blood test it's £500. I'm not sure whether I would pay it or not really think I need to have a serious chat with Paul about it. But I didn't even know it was an option so thanks for letting me know about it.

So now I know for sure everything is ok after the spotting I'm full of energy today. Got a few days off work so want to catch up with housework then do some more sorting in the nursery. I love being in the nursery. Even if it is still a junk room at the moment lol xxx
Anyone else get to the end of the work day and just totally flop? It's like my body tricks itself into thinking it has enough energy to survive the day and as soon as I'm done with work I lose all my energy and delflate like a big balloon!
I'm sitting in the car, in my driveway, and I've been here ten minutes because I don't even have the energy to get out and into the house lol! I may as well stay here until I need to go pick up the OH at 7 haha. And the thought of cooking dinner... Well!!! Might be a take away tonight ;)

Hope you all had a lovely day ladies! It's nearly the weekend (even though I'm working right through it) :D
Deffo a takeaway for me. Hubby working till late and it was my payday today.....
Ooo what are you gonna go for? Chinese? Indian? Pizza? I could murder jumbo sausage and chips from the chippy... Mmmmm!
Mmm! I made a big pot of chilli con carne and just ate a big fat plate of it with rice! I'm glad I mustered up the energy to make it cos it was soooooo good!
I was so dead on my feet at work :( so happy tomorrow is my day off, I really need it!
March thread is getting pretty quiet now a lot of mamas are going over to tri 2 :) xxx
I don't know how this works then with going into tri 2 I heard talk if continuing with march mummies is it a new thread? I just assumed we would all stay on this one technophobe that I am lol.

I haven't been feeling too exhausted lately but I fear the nausea is returning. It died off completely after I had that sickness bug but the past two or three days I have felt quite gooey to the tummy. Yuk xxx
Rhonda I think you can ask to move the thread to tri 2 or start a new one.
Work is also tiring me out I left my 20 month old at nursery till my oh finished work so I could have a relaxing bath but ended up falling asleep in there lol
I'm not sure when to go over to tri 2. I'm 12 +1 so do I wait until I'm 14 weeks.... Ooooh!!xx
I'm not sure when to go over to tri 2. I'm 12 +1 so do I wait until I'm 14 weeks.... Ooooh!!xx

Everywhere I have looked says tri 2 starts at 13 weeks so I don't know why it says 14 weeks on here x
aww my ticker just changed, how cute is that, sorry ignore me lol
I have had horrible sickness and just plain exhausted so hopefully now I am feeling better I can be a bit more chatty xx
I'm also very very tired :( I feel like my youth was taken away from me and now I am 80 years old :( with no energy and no will to do anything :(
Im still complete opposite no morning sickness or sore boobies or any other signs of pregnancy. I have seen baby already on a scan cant wait till next week see it again cos its driving me a bit nuts havn no symtoms.

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