******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Thanks TTC no2, I was expecting responses like that but was shocked by what I got instead! So glad I've moved over to this board! Xx
My goodness! Stella sweetheart, you do what's best for you and your baby. How dare they be so judgemental. Breast feeding isn't for everyone. I tried to bf my daughter who was born at 27 weeks and obviously I didn't have milk ready for. But she got donated breast milk and then she moved on to powdered milk, while in hospital. Nothing wrong with her. She also got given a dummy by neonatal staff to help build up her sucking reflex and she continued taking her dummy until she was almost 3. I got it off her by saying that Santa needed her dummy to give to another baby who didn't have a doe doe. We put it in a pink envelope and gave it to Santa. She hasn't looked back since. It done her no harm.

I will try my best to breast feed this baby. If I can do it, then that's brill, if I can't then I won't be beating myself up about it. And he/she will probably get a dummy. I see no harm in it. I would rather pacify my baby with a dummy than to see them distressed. Each to their own sweetheart. Ps, welcome to the board!!! :)

I went to my midwife apt today and all is grand. I've to go to hospital on Monday to meet with the consultant about my csection delivery and then my scan will be later that day. So can I pleas have my scan added for 1st September? Thank you very much. Eeeeeeeeek I'm so excited :D
Back from our weekend away! Have now told all the family so it's definitely public knowledge that we are having a baby!!

My OH was meant to be telling his colleagues today (he manages a team of recruiters) but because one of them is on holiday he won't be telling them til tomorrow. I'm getting impatient (as usual haha) and I want to let all my friends know via Facebook but he doesn't want his colleagues thinking he didn't care enough to tell them all in person so now I have to wait even longer! I've already waited a week! AAAAARGH!
Hi ladies :) cosmo can you please add my 12 week scan date on 18th September. Aarrrggghhh that sounds soo long to wait lol xx
Thanks MamaMoo, I have no problems with bottle feeding or giving a dummy to my baby, that's why I was so shocked that other women brought me down for it. I honestly didn't think I would cause as much of a stir by mentioning something that seemed completely normal to me! Felt like a failure as a mum from their comments at only 11wks! My DH gave his 'dai dais' to Santa as well so I reckon that's what we'll be going with if our baby takes a dummy. I didn't take one at all, drove my parents crazy as I wouldn't settle and was up all night, every night! I hope that our baby isn't like me although my mum thinks it would be perfect payback for what I put her through lol. Good luck at your appointment and scan, thanks for sharing your experience with me. I have my 12wk scan on Tuesday 😊 xx
Stella it's lovely here. And for a FTM you sound very switched on. Be open to any suggestions and make a decision when the times right :) screw what other people think! X
Tried to post this earlier but it failed I think so apologies if this is repeated.

Welcome new mummies! And Stella I'm sure you will make a fantastic mummy you have to do what's right for you and your little one. I know what I'm planning on doing but I also know it might not be right for everyone and also it might not work that way for me. If I want to breast feed but baby struggles to latch on then what am I supposed to do?!

Had a hard day at work we have lost a colleague over the weekend to cancer it's knocked me for 6. Such a beautiful person she was. I'm also struggling big style with back pain and stiffness and palpitations. In with midwife tomorrow so will mention it she may be able to help. It doesn't help that my job is very physical even on light duties. And as I'm a support worker it's a case of if I'm slacking in my job then vulnerable people suffer.

On the plus side I also have that scan tomorrow afternoon which considering it was booked due to a scary experience I'm really looking forward to it xxx
Hi everyone,

I had my 12 week scan today and have been moved from 7th to the 1st March, I thought I'd be having to leave and join the Feb mummies!
Everything was fine, nuchal measurement well within normal and the baby was wriggling and kicking.
Great news about ur scan rubydoo

Rhondalou so sorry to hear of ur work colleague passing x
I have my 12 week scan in the morning :dance:

Welcome new ladies :) x
12 week scan booked for 4th Sept.

Did anyone else find the midwife, and the literature they were given, kind of patronising?
Gosh Rhonda lou that's so sad :(

Am I the only one left whose not seen a MW yet? ! No idea when my scan will be either!
Do I need to take anything to my first appointment? Like a wee sample?
They gave me a pot to pee in when arrived for my booking appointment. So dont worry about that lol xxx
Ok please tell me I'm being paranoid. More brown stuff today but more like spotting than last time. Tmi alert we dtd night before last I'm wondering if that's bought it on?! No cramps and otherwise feel fine. Got scan this afternoon but that's like 5 hours away I could drive myself Insane before then xx
Yay it's all good babes has grown loads since last scan xxx


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Scan went well baby was being a pain kept rolling lol they put me forward to 12 weeks 5 days and due 6th march

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Question. I haven't had 12 week scan yet and been asked about NT scan. I already know I don't want the amnio cos of the risks involved but the nt scan is also for downs. If it comes back high they will offer the amnio. But if I'm not having amnio regardless then do I really need the nt? I have two thoughts one is if it's high then we are kind of prepared for a downs baby and if it isn't then we haven't lost anything. But then I'm also thinking of it comes back high then I'll be even more twitchy than I am now so should I just accept what ever happens and enjoy the pregnancy? Just wondered other people thoughts on this. Of course it doesn't matter at all if my child has downs or any other problems I'll love it just as much so does any test really matter at that rate. I know people have these tests and will still love their children no matter what. Hmm what to do x
It's not just the nuchal fold - the blood tests also help with a diagnosis and of other genetic traits. We won't have amnio and will keep our child whatever - but we're still going to have the screening. Just makes sense to help in a little way - to know what's coming. Ps so glad it went Ok today
Thanks spun sugar. It's true that if there is a problem being as prepared as possible will help the baby when it comes. I honestly don't know what to do. The NT is booked as part if 12 week scan but mw said I can change my mind. Think sometimes though if I have a choice and plenty if time to make it I dwell on it a bit too much. Kids eh. And it's not even here yet lol x

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