******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Right march mummies, some of us are starting to dip our toes into TRI 2 so I've started a march mummies thread in there! Hopefully we'll all be back together soon!
Gf91 I think you can get this thread migrated once we're all over xx
Wow Missbx you're well organised!!! I'm jealous you've bought so much!!! My hubby is away on a stag doo next weekend, I think I'll go baby shopping unsupervised lol xxx
Can you put my scan date down please Cosmo for 2nd Sept thank youuuuu
Week can't wait to get my scan date. Hubby is away last 2 weeks of September so I'd really like it to be before then...but i've not even had my booking in yet!
I've had the worst nights sleep ever. My cat went out yesterday evening and wouldn't come home when he was called. I was so worried because it was dark and he's black, but he did turn up about midnight. He jumped in the window and when I tried to shut it, he ran off again. Now he keeps coming back to be let in but just runs off :( xxxx
I'm finally 12 weeks! 2 days until my scan but I'm worried and excited at the same time :)
Cakey sounds like you have had a bad night. Cats are strange creatures. Ours are spending more time indoors now it's not the height of summer but one of ours is black. I don't worry cats will be cats they know where they live. Thankfully we live in a good area. My work mate can't let her cats out after dark for fear of them being stolen. We are right by the countryside tho so once they get over them fields they have plenty of hiding places and nature to play with xxx
Just wednesday week till my next scan .. hoping it will fly by. :)
Hi!!! I'm a March 2014 mommy! My due date has been confirmed for March 11, 2014!

I'm happy to be apart of the March mommies!
Thanks Rhondalou, he's finally home after 14 hours in the rain :( I'm sure something scared the life out of him and just made him wonder what to do and where to go. He's fine though, he came in, ate a lot then slept! Just glad he's back xxx
Hi Ladies,

Is it OK for me to join you? I am due 12th of March at the moment but dating scan is not til the 2nd of September. I have been using babycentre but have found in the last week or so there are some very judgemental ladies on that board and I am getting frustrated reading the posts. I am a first time mum and to be honest don't know what I'll be doing yet with regards to breast/bottle feeding or whether I will allow my baby to have a dummy. Both of these things have brought on some quite vicious comments from the other board. Mainly advising me that I would be extremely selfish if I bottle feed and the worst mum in the world if I give my baby a dummy as there is no need for it. As a first time mum I will be learning as I go and although I want what's best for my baby I refuse to rule these things out as I have no idea what my baby will need.

Sorry for a long first post, I'm just hoping for a more supportive experience than on the other board.

Thanks in advance xx
Hello and welcome Stella, you do whatever is best for you and baby, I have bottle fed some of my babies and given a dummy as well and all my boys have been just fine, I have one in UNI and one in college xxx
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Welcome and congrats pbear and stella, I've added you both :)

Oh Stella I don't think we take ourselves so seriously here. There's quite a lot of us on this thread that are first time mums and clueless. I for one will just be taking things with the flow and seeing what my baby is like although I do really want to breast feed xxx
Thanks ladies, its just all so new to me that I will also be going with the flow. Both my sisters have bottle fed and given dummies and my nieces & nephew are fine! Glad I joined now 😊 xx
Hi pbear and stella.. welcome to due march.. :)
Yayy ladies i should be 10weeks today.. getting there slowly but surly. So eager to see if all is ok in there. Private scan playn a little on my mind. But i will hold off. Not too long till next week.
Stella i wouldnt worry too much what others think.. what would they think of me.. my 2.5 yr old still has her dummy. I cant for the life part her from it. She uses it when she tired. She ask for her two comforts which are mr cow her fav teddy amd doe doe.. she speaks perfectly too so hasnt affected her speech or teeth. U will knw whats best for u both.

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