******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Oh I'm sorry Olya :( how much longer do you have left? Xxx
I had this too Rhonda. I still get brown every so often. Had some this morning. When I went to epu a few weeks back they said that bleeding can be caused by all sorts but that brown is generally old xxx
Lanny should be leaving in half an hour... But all the bosses went now and I have nothing else I can do today, so I'm quite tempted to go now :)
Yeah I heard brown is old. I just saw it this morning and thought no no no please not again it totally panicked me. And now I feel a bit of a fraud cos had nothing since no pain a touch of mild cramping which I haven't been getting with this pregnancy but it's not strong enough to warrant an A&E visit. I'm taking the fact that an A&E visit feels like far too much effort as a good sign lol. I keep saying about my instinct and my instinct is still that this babes is just fine x
When i had my bleeding i was given a scan. Had a healthy hb and was wriggling round. Im sure i have read somewhwre that when you have heard a healthy hb there is only something like a 5% risk of miscarriage xxx
Well that's what I'm hoping. I keep trying to use that bloody doppler but after getting a faint heartbeat on the first time I haven't been able to get one since. I'm not panicking over that it's still early and I read that extra weight can make it hard to pick up. Doc was going to check earlier but the surgery didn't have one available. I feel ok that's the main thing. Unfortunately I have to get dressed again and go food shopping. Grr x
I was so shattered after work yesterday ( started at 7. 30. Spent the morning re arranging furniture. Finished at 5. 30 them had to put LO to bed etc) I fell asleep at 8. 30. So ofc I've been wide awake since 5! No chance of a nap as im on my own till Monday evening now. There's a big festival on this weekend in my home town so I can't even go anywhere :( going to be so bored! !
I suggest buying a mountain of junk food and snuggling on the sofa in comfy clothes and watch lots of dvds!!!
Well ladies had absolutely nothing more since half 7 yesterday morning I feel great I have slept well and as he is at home today I'm going to tackle that nursery got boxes and bags in there that all need sorting and mostly throwing away. I thought I could pick things up and throw them at him whilst shouting which bag they need to go in. Rubbish, recycle or keep x
Rachel that sounds awesome. I've just been to sainsburys and brought a huge pack of bakery cookies, malteasers some tiger bread and some lotus spread. I'm all set haha. Onesie day!
Rhonda you sound very organised!
I've been bought some baby clothes and my mum gave me a huge bag of baby grows, outfits, hats, socks ect that she had kept from when she had my little sister (6 years ago) so I've spent all morning sorting them into piles and washing them all, I know I'll wash them all again before baby is here but I wanted to try out the little Persil and comfort sachets I got in my pack, clothes smell beautiful! Pegged it out on the line, OH says I'm weird :-(
I can't wait to buy clothes for baba :) I think it's lovely you've washed them all GF91.
I'm also looking forward to tri 2 so much!!! So fed up of feeling sick and tired and achey!
I can't wait to buy clothes for baba :) I think it's lovely you've washed them all GF91.
I'm also looking forward to tri 2 so much!!! So fed up of feeling sick and tired and achey!

I am abit anal like if I buy new clothes for myself or new bedlinen, towels, tea towels ect I have to wash them before I use them! I know it's early washing baby clothes but it kinda makes me feel more mummsy & closer to the baby!

I got to about 11.5 weeks and my morning sickness just disappeared! Feel like super woman now! Lol!
You are def doing the right thing washing the baby clothes.
Why not passes the time quicker. :D
I cant wait to find out the sex of the baby. I love going out shopping for baby clothes. :)
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I bought a heap of stuff in mamas and papas after my NT scan, a couple of wee suits, hats, mitts and bibs. Fair adds up though, came to about £60 odd!! Xxx
Mamas and papas had a sale on the other day when I looked. We were looking for baby booties as part of our announcement photo xxx
Hey girls mamas and papers worth sighting up online just got 5.00 gift card through and cow gate baby club got a cute lil cow xxx
Mamas and papas in my town has some cots and moses baskets at about 80% off as they're ex display. Always worth having a look! We're away for the weekend so they'll probably be gone when we get back, but I'm going for another look just in case!
I brought some stuff this week as I have a doppler and been hearing the heartbeat and I have my scan in 3 days :) I've brought bottles, steriliser, baby sponge, maternity towels, and some stuff in asda baby event yesterday Moses basket, bottle bag, flask, sudocream, Johnson's Baby Essentials Box ( shampoo body wash etc) baby monitors, 24 packs of baby wipes and just need to get some nappies :) we will buy more stuff when we know the gender x

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