******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

So pleased for everyone getting good scan pics and seeing babies moving about. I'm starting to feel pregnant now it's an awesome feeling. My oh is getting excited now. He dyes his hair in all sorts of outrageous colours so his mates are taking bets on what colour hair the baby will have. It's nuts isn't it as if baby will have blue hair! He is also under strict instructions he isn't wearing his favourite t shirt when I'm in labour or the baby will think bloody hell why has my dads t shirt got holes in it lol. Had a big family BBQ at the weekend and my cousin is 24 weeks. I also had a dream last night they wanted to induce me at Christmas and I said no. I have some strange things going through my head. We have tried the doppler again too but didn't get anything this time. I struggled to find my heart beat never mind a tiny persons. I'm going to ask the midwife if she can check when i see her next week. Can't wait for the next scan :) xx
Lovely scan pictures everyone :D I have mine on Wednesday I can't wait how many pictures do they let you have?? x
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Lovely scan pictures everyone :D I have mine on Wednesday I can't wait how many pictures do they let you have?? x

You have to pay for them now, and it's £5 for 3 (hospital dending) but out sonographer gave us 8 lol x
We had to pay for ours also. £5 each or three for £10. Total rip off but they know people will pay up!
Aw wow loving all the scan pics, can't believe we're nearing the end of Tri 1 now, I will be so glad to officially be Tri 2, I honestly never thought that day would come xxx
Hi all can I join you all ive been put back till 2nd march had my scan today
Ladies how long after your booking appointments did you get your scan letter?! I hadmy booking at 9+6 and I am now 10 +5
Mine took about a week and a half :) but then they got my dates wrong so I had to call up and change it anyway lol!
Lovely scan pictures ladies :) really pleased for all of you! Xxx
My scan pics were meant to be £5.00 for 2. I was gutted as didn't have any change...but was given 4 for free, yay!
Morning ladies how are we all today?

So going by my dating scan I'm now officially 13 weeks today :) however it does actually make my due date 27th of Feb and dr said because I'm on clexane they won't let me go full term so I'll more than likely be induced between 38 and 39 weeks so technically I'll probs be a Feb mummy!!!

Anyway I just wondered if someone else fancied doing the March mummies thread in Tri 2? I'm still happy to do it as I still feel like a March mummy at heart and defs want to stay with you ladies but thought it might be nice to give someone else a turn as I've really enjoyed updating our thread the past few weeks. Xxx
Ok so I'm at the docs now went to loo this morning and got discharge that's slightly brown in colour. Plus sorry if tmi but a couple of stringy bits too. I really don't know what to think so phoned docs to be on safe side. Anyone else had this? I have read online folks have had it and been fine but a couple of horror stories thrown into the mix too. Really praying right now that it's fine x
I've had red and stringy and bub is still plodding on fine and dandy in there :) they say if it's brown it's old blood and nothing to worry about but always best to see the doctor to get peace of mind. Good luck :)

We're off to Liverpool today to see my OH's family and tell his sister she's going to be an auntie again. It's also her birthday today so it should be a lovely weekend! Just not looking forward to the drive...

I may not be around much over the weekend so I hope all you lovely ladies get the lovely weekends you deserve and stay nice and relaxed and happy :) everyday is a day closer to tri 2! Can't wait!
I just been told it's probably fine but rest up and try not to worry got a scan booked for Wednesday in the meantime if things get worse go to A&E. Had nothing since tho. I wouldn't even call it spotting just discharge. I think it will be ok but better to check these things out xx
Rhonda I don't think you should worry much about this - it really sounds like it's just some old blood, plus it's just a tiny little bit. I had bleeding in my first pregnancy a few times, and it was nothing to worry about. Just keep an eye on it, but try not to stress out about this hun x
I do feel quite calm now after the initial panic. It feels absolutely nothing like last years miscarriage. Got scan on Wednesday anyway so I'll keep that just in case. Managed to get the whole weekend off work now so I can relax. I'm currently warm and comfy in bed watching comedy shows to keep myself laughing x
I had the tiniest bit of brown stringy blood, so I think it's just baby getting comfy sometimes. Relaxing is the best thing for you :)
Have fun Podpie!
I have the day off work and I'm so totally lost! I have housework to do but the rest of the day is mine so I have no idea what to do with myself, it's lush lol xxx
Aww girls I'm so jealous! I so wish I could be in bed right now.

Instead, I'm sitting at the computer all day... And nothing works grrr :(

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