******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

I rang gp. Ive appointment tomoro. Mainly rang because i have a pain in my lower left back.. i knw in early pg we get loads of aches pains.. do u rhink its any cos of concern. Ive had it for few days but tryin to ignore it. Ive already lost my left tube so cant be any problem down to that. My last pg i did get back ache but it was more in the middle like period pain. ?? Anyone else same
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I have a dodgy back anyway not all the time but I have noticed it more often and slightly more painful recently so it could be a symptom. And that's in my left side almost like sciatica. It's always worth talking to your gp and once they know and you get in touch with the midwife you will be able to check out these things for your own peice of mind x
Feeling really uncomfortable today, lover back ache and just weird aches in my hips/stomach, nausea comes and goes but better than the last week! Is this normal for 7 weeks? Iv had 2 mc's and still waiting for my midwife to ring to arrange my booking appointment :( just need to stay positive! X
My back was really painful from about weeks 5-7. Now I get several sharp stretching pains.
Nausea also comes and goes. Eating helps, so I'll be massive soon!

I don't remember anybody this with other two pgs. Maybe this one will be a boy!

Had dr last week and mw coming round tomorrow for booking in. Really want my scan date through now, and tempted to buy a Doppler...wish I hadn't given my last one away!

Yeah Charlotte I think all these niggles and twinges in lower back, tummy and surrounding areas are pretty normal, unless you're in agony I wouldn't worry.

My appetite is massive right now, I'm going to be the size of a house in no time. Going to attempt the gym again tonight if I can muster enough energy xxx
Hi girlies. I would like to tip toe in :) got our BFP literally there at midnight on a digi. No first morning urine for me. Lol. It says pregnant 1-2. Can't believe it :D estimate due date for 25 march

mamamoo, where u from in n Ireland? :)
I'm getting lots of niggles too, but I have sciatica so I'm sure that will rear its ugly head soon.
I wish my appetite was as good as you ladies, it's just dwindled to the point where I don't know what I want to eat half of the time. Oh apart from Caramac! :p
Hey all, just wanted to ask how you're all getting on with symptoms? I'll be 6 weeks on thurs and I don't feel all that different. It feels insane to wish for morning sickness but it would be a bit of reassurance that everything is developing ok! Last week I was getting a few twinges in my lower left abdomen but that has stopped now. Got a very brief back twinge last night but woke up fine again this morn. I'm not getting sore boobs and no real nausea either. The only thing I'd say is my appetite seems to have dwindled and I've had a couple of emotional moments but that's about it. Just not sure if no symptoms is normal as well. It's such torture to have to wait 12 weeks to know if everything is ok! I have a midwife appointment next week but it's only an initial appt to get my date for my booking appt. Seems silly to worry about not feeling ill but can't help it! Anyone else having anything sinilar?
Jboogle I know what you mean! I was thinking just a minute ago that I can't wait for MS to start! I'm sure I will regret it later though :)

My only symptom so far is lightheadedness. It's starting to get annoying...
Afternoon ladies, I hope your all well.
I phoned my EPU department today and I am booked in for an early scan next Tuesday just to check my dates and make sure everything is ok. So excited. I can't wait to see our wee bubba and know that everything is fine.
The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are just the worst, everyday goes on forever and every niggle and twinge makes you so nervous and scared not to mention the constant knicker watch!!!

Michelle x
Good luck with your scan Michelle :)

Glad I'm not the only one worried over every little thing xx
Ive still zero symptoms. Apart from lower left back pain. Bit tired eve noting major. None of the usual symptoms women get like sore boobs etc. My last pg though i think was the same. Lookin back to my first pregnancy i didnt knw was pg til 11weeks. Ive really irregular cycles and was normal back then to go months and months without period. So i guess i maybe one of the lucky ones that doesnt really suffer first trimester... i bet ive jinxed myself now for saying that. Time will tell..lol
Mummy mouse has a scan coming up this week, can't wait to see how you get on and what you see x

Michelle x
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Hope your scan goes well Michelle.

Symptoms wise, I've been feeling nauseous from about 4 weeks and last weekend the dizziness/lightheadedness hit with a vengeance but fingers crossed it just means all is well....
Hi girls, symptoms wise for me is just tingley nipples and some tiredness.

Today is expected AF day and I'm so nervous. Have a few wee twinges but nothing that's concerning me.

Lol with regards to MS I for sure am one lady who does not want that again. Lol with my last pregnancy 4 years ago, I had it from week 6 right through to week 17. Grim.

Hope you are all keeping well lovelies :)
Hey MamaMoo! Glad to see you here :) x

Hi I.love, I'm glad to see here too lol. How have you been ??

I'm fine, not much happening here! The time is dragging... Luckily we need to do lots of work around the house (just moved), so I'm trying to distract myself with that. But gosh I'm still only 4 weeks!! This is soooo early :(
Hi girlies. I would like to tip toe in :) got our BFP literally there at midnight on a digi. No first morning urine for me. Lol. It says pregnant 1-2. Can't believe it :D estimate due date for 25 march

mamamoo, where u from in n Ireland? :)

Hi sweetie, I'm in Belfast love. What about you?

I'm not far from newry :)

Well I'm just home from the docs... Informed Him of my news and he's sending my referral today and has me down that I'm 8weeks... Told him I've irregular cycle and I wouldn't be that but he said they have to go by my last cycle.. Il not argue with that if it means il see jellybean early..

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