******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

I'm unsure about your scan date, I know it's different in different counties. My doctors said I don't make an appointment until I'm 8 weeks, then I guess they'll refer me for a 12 week dating scan x
Blondie I believe the scan should be at 12 weeks?... I would check this if I were you x
Blondie that's the same scan date as me. I wouldn't say anything if I was you and just go along that day then they'll need to give you another one for 12 weeks. That's just me though I'm naughty like that :)
Means you get an extra wee reassurance scan xxx
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Blondie, I wouldn't worry too much, means you'll see your beanie earlier! :)

I got woken up this morning with period like pains, I thought id be rid of them for 9 months but I guess not :rolleyes: How's everyone else today? :)
I dont feel pregnant at all now.. the bloatness is no where near as bad bit bit still there.. took another test yestrday and its much darker.. cant wait for some sypmtoms. My ladt pg i was the same though.. pray to god it growing nicely in there.
I'm waking up in the mornings thinking where are my symptoms. Thet started last week and I'm petrified they have gone. Then once I'm up a bit and I reassess the situation I realise they are there but I'm only 5 weeks the symptoms I remember are at 11 weeks. So I calm down a bit then. I'm silly at times will feel much better after the scan on Tuesday. It's awful when you don't know how your baby is developing xx
Im defo makn a private scan as i just couldnt wait till 12week scan far too long to wait. I need to see it sooner. Il make one between 7-8weeks
My scan is at 6 weeks could have had one this week but gp said it's unlikely I'll get a heart beat and it will upset me unnecessarily xx
I am thinking of getting a private scan too... Though I'm worried that if I get one at say 8 weeks... I will want one at 9 weeks again. And so on! I had lots of scans with my last pregnancy because I kept having light bleeding, and I remember how addictive they are :)
I really want a private scan too and luckily OH agreed :) found somewhere close for £75, pretty chuffed xxxx
Does your hospital not offer early scanning on Nhs? I'm being scanned weekly from next week and at 8/12/16/18/20/22/24/26/34 I'm having 4D scans free through hospital as well!
I know I've got a bad pregnancy history but surely they can offer you ladies an early scan?! X
Ours wont.. not inless ur bleeding etc. Ive only one tube left which makes me worry too. I cant afford for baby not to be in right place. I may go gp see what he says. What harm can it do to ask. :) i should be consultant led too and i have lost one baby at 24weeks .
I haven't even thought of asking the hospital, but I'm still
Uming about where to go. Did you ladies go to your GP when you found out? Mine told me to just ring the MW instead!
I woke up this morning with a little bit of bleeding. Slightly pink and then brown (sorry for tmi!) Really panicked! Ive been getting period like cramping for ages and supposedly that's normal but I am totally paranoid about miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Apart from the odd little twinge I'm not in any pain. These early week really are slightly torturous!
Oh :( firefly you should ring your mw and ask for a scan!! They should give you one if your bleeding! Hope it's nothing to worry about, of course (I had bleeding pretty much throughout my first trimester, and it was nothing)!
Oh Firefly i agree this first try is so hard and goes past so slow!!!! I would give your midwife a quick call, doesn't do any harm but I'm sure it's fine, esp if it's mainly brown xxx
Could we be put at 2nd of March please? Our scan has us further along. Most overwhelming experience of my life and I'm not ashamed to admit it made me cry. Relieved all is good and a heartbeat was found, shall update more later, just too overwhelmed atm lol
Hope all will be ok firefly xxx

Congrats NightWolf, that's awesome aww xxx
Ah Nighwolf I did think at the time you announced bfp that your dates were maybe a bit off, your same EDD as me now :) congrats, sounds like you had a lovely experience. Did you get a pic?

Firefly, how you feeling today?

I've got another scan booked for today, not feeling confident at all, just have such a bad feeling that baby's heart has stopped beating. Only an hour to go xxx

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