Luteal Phase????

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Hi, I know this is a really stupid question for someone whos been trying as long as me but how on earth do i know how long my luteal phase is? is it just how many days between Ovulation and AF? If thats right then why does the ticker give me the option to change it. I changed it to match my ovulation (which is really early after AF) and it just made loads of the days on the ticker blank of info but basically the same length of time. Confused.....
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I think it is days from OV and AF. You can change it I assume because some people are irregular and so cycles may be longer, also some women have a shorter/longer LP. That's pretty much all I know about it! Lol, sorry I'm not much help. x
Hi Hun

From what I know it is the phase between Ovulation and AF.... the ticker box lets you change it as not everyone has a standard 14 day luteal phase it can vary between 10 and 16 days.

If you make notes of your ovulation dates then you can count to see how many days passed from your previous ovulation to AF then you can work out how long your phase is.

And personally I wouldnt trust these tickers to much they are just a guide line.

Good luck for October x x x x
ok, that makes sense. And I agree that they cant be trusted!! Thanks girls xxx
My understanding is that the LH phase can change by 1 or 2 days per month but is pretty much set in stone but the first part before ovulation is the bit that moves around each month. Bummer really coz you can never really know when your going to ovulate. My cycles are crazy they go from 32 days to 45!
The LP varies from 10-16 days and is the time from OV to AF mine is 10days
So how do I know how long my luteal phase actually is to put into my tracker?
Have you charted before on earlier cycles cos you need to pin point o this month and count the days from that till AF then you will know for next month as it rarely changes
How can that work when the date of my ovulation changes by up to a couple of days each month?
Are your cycles always the same length Starfish?
Pretty much, nearly always 26 days, but some months I ovulate day 7 and some months on day 14! (though to be fair it's usually on day 11/12)
Ok, so the longer the luteal phase the better, you would only need to worry if it was 12 days or less so I wouldn't even think about it to be honest, you'll be fine xx
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I need to start compliling a list before my next docs appointment i think!! All the things i want to know and always forget to ask!

I'm going with OH for spermie results on tuesday and might take along a few questions for whilst we're there!

Any you want me to ask? xx
Hi Starfish!

Best of luck for Tuesday.x

I've thought of a good question to ask the sperm experts-

Is it better to BD more or less for the best chance of conceiving?

As you know they say the sperm is of better quality if you do it less, I kind of do the opposite as that seems to logically up your chances but I wonder am I wrong? If you look at the BFP girls this month a lot only did it once or twice.

What do you think? xx
That's a good question, I'd like to know that too.
I think it's a good question MB, and I'll ask it! xxx
Hi! MB, I did ask! She said that if one wants to get very scientific about how often you should have sex then it actually depends on the sperm count of your OH.

If he has a high count then every day, if it's low then every 3 - 4 days, and if you dont know then every 48 should be about right.

Hope that helps?
Makes sense, thanks!

How did you get on, ok I hope? xx
Yes, thanks for asking, it all came back fine, so god knows why we arent concieving, sigh....... but i'm v relieved x
Oh, that's good news!

Are you doing any extras like Baby Asprin and Preseed this cycle then?

I've started the Baby Asprin and am going to get Preseed soon.


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