Long luteal phase


Active Member
Jun 8, 2012
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The last two cycles have been 31 days but I ovulated on day 11 or day 12. This means I have a 20 day luteal phase. Is this normal? I know I ovulated from postive opk and ovulation pain. I cant find anything online about long luteal phases and everything I read says they should be about 12 - 17 days. I am wondering if this would stop me conceiving? Any one else in a similar situation?
I have a long LP usual about 18 days. I spoke to the dr about it and she said that she is not concerned about it and it won't stop me and OH from conceiving Are you using OPKs to track OV?
Yes using opks so I know when I ovulated - are yours always 18 days? Glad to hear doctor doesnt think it is a problem.
Yes It's been 18 days for as long as ive been tracking my cycles. My cycles are usually 28 days.. Give or take a few days. I usually OV on CD 10 however my body is playing games this cycle and ive not OV yet.
do you continue using opk's after your initital first positive? as you may find you get two positive tests some days apart - and have actually Ovulated on the later one....could be a possibility? maybe try next cycle to see if that does happen?
I used them until CD 17 as I was so surprised I got a smiley on CD10- maybe its still the pill causing havoc altho I have been off it for 6 months now!
Opks do not confirm ovulation. They only confirm that your body had a high enough surge of Lh hormone to be detected by the opk. The easy way to confirm ov is by charting temps. I wouldn't be worried, opks are not always reliable. If you've only been of the pill 6 months its good ur cycles are back to being regular. I think your prob ov-ing * few days after your last + opk so your LP is less that you think.

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